What would you like improved on tonebase?

What would you like improved on tonebase?

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  • I would love to have a Tonebase streaming app on Roku so I could watch the videos on my TV screen. I'd see much more detail and it would be so much easier to use.

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      • Randi
      • Randi
      • 3 mths ago
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      Barbara Blakeslee There are a couple of options for this: 1. You can cast from your phone onto your TV or 2. You can connect your laptop to your TV via an HDMI cable. If you don't have an HDMI port on your laptop there is a USB-C to HDMI adaptor you can use. 

    • Randi I just wish there was something much simpler like a Roku app. I don't want to bother with all that techie stuff. The ports on my tv aren't accessible because of my setup. I can watch onmy tablet. This was just a response about what I wanted.

  • Each Tonebase member profile should have a library of their audio and video recordings. When I click on a Tonebase member profile, I'd like to be able to access the recordings they want to feature all in one place. 

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  • At one point I filled out a questionnaire which determined what " level" I would be considered. I can't get rid of that now; every time I log in to see one of the new videos or sign up for a live presentation, I get routed to the "your level " videos and have to start hunting for what I logged in to see or sign up for. I wish I never filled out that questionnaire....I wish I could just delete it. Sometimes I can't find the video I came for....the search bar is so obscure and hard to find, so I just quit trying altogether. 

    • Dagmar
    • always curious
    • Dagmar
    • 3 mths ago
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    When posting on my mobile in vertical mode I only can attach a picture or attachment. In horizontal the video link icon pops up. But then the text box is too small and everything rearranges, so it's hard to type anything.

    Would be great to have the video icon in vertical mode as well 🥰

    • Sheliak
    • Sheliak
    • 3 mths ago
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    It would be helpful to be able to view/download the entire workbook for a course before starting it. As of now you have to start the video, pause it, open the workbook, print it out, then return to watching the video.

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  • My only trouble is theory. Having the necessary foundation to be instinctive at the piano requires a solid theoretical foundation that I'm not able to establish at the moment. Would there be a way to establish a structure that would guide us to acquire this foundation because the theoretical lessons here are too scattered to do so. Having links after each theory lesson that lead to the next lesson directly related to what was just studied might be one solution. Or building a complete system around music theory that provides a structure to get us to our goals quickly. 

    I am a little upset that for such an important aspect of piano lessons, this structure is not available on tonebase. It is already so hard currently in Israel, I would have loved an easy structure to achieve theory mastery at least be available on tonebase.

      • Dagmar
      • always curious
      • Dagmar
      • 3 mths ago
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      Patrick Bentolila there is a theory basics course by Ben Laude, it has 8 lessons I think. But it stays within the fundamentals: major/minor scales, diatonic chords and main functions. Very well explained though, although I already knew most of it I enjoyed th watch these videos and understand some new connections between certain aspects.


      I second your wish for deeper theory, all in one place, in a structured way. Like all that sixte ajoutee, neapolitan chords, deeper functional analysis, mediants, certain genre or era related theory, and especially: not only how to identify all those things, but what is my actual benefit, what does it mean for me as a player etc.

      And maybe also: how can I apply those things to compose my own music.


      I don't know if there already exist some videos on these topics and how to find them. My strategy is to scroll through the library and bookmark everything that sounds interesting, but that's very random.

      Maybe an index/tag system could be the answer? Where you just can go and see "Music theory videos" and then they are listed, with the corresponding level mentioned as well?

      In the "your level" category there are already categories, like "courses", "skills" and "repertoire", which is really helpful. So maybe additional tags to narrow it down, that show what is a theory thing, what is a physical skill, an etude, what is an interpretation concept, interview etc.


      Right now e.g. I see several "Bach Subjects" under "courses". This gives me no clue at all what to expect until I watched part of it. Is it about what to have in mind when playing Bach? Or Bach analysis? Or how to play typical patterns? Or Counterpoint interpretation and practice? Or baroque interpretation in general. Or exercises made from Bach pieces? Could be anything. 

      Like 1
    • Dagmar Indeed, you are right

      It should be possible to refine the search to the essential element causing the problem. If you're stuck on a particular point, you'll know where to find the lesson that solves it. An adapted structure around the theoretical lessons will also allow you to add the lessons that will complete the mastery of the theoretical set. 

      Some changes are urgently needed in the theorical section for music needs strong foundation 💪 

  • I like the app overall and enjoy the content. I have a few suggestions. 


    I have this installed on my iPad. I do not want notifications. It asks me every time I open the app to turn notifications on. Please stop asking me.

    I have to pick piano from the list of instruments every time I enter the app also. It is the only instrument I have a subscription for. I should not have to pick it every time.

    Like 2
  • It would be good in TWI to announce in the groups when new instructions/assignments/catch up vdo are posted. I think many people, esp those who are new to TWI, may not check for changes at the top of the page much after the first instructions.

    Like 3
    • Priya Viseskul A very good point! Thanks!

      Like 2
      • Roger Ward
      • Roger_Ward
      • 2 mths ago
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      Priya Viseskul  What is "TWI"?  Perhaps "vdo" is "video"?  If you mean "voodoo" I am really confused. 

      • Nina BR
      • Nina_br
      • 2 mths ago
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      Priya Viseskul I agree. I forget to go back and check for new instructions.

      Like 2
      • Dagmar
      • always curious
      • Dagmar
      • 2 mths ago
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      Roger Ward Two Weeks Intensive

      • Roger Ward
      • Roger_Ward
      • 2 mths ago
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      Dagmar Thank you. 

    • Dagmar
    • always curious
    • Dagmar
    • 2 mths ago
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    I would like to know why my postings are regularly flagged as "pending review". So annoying,  especially when you answer in TWI but it's posted days later then...

    What am I doing wrong? All I do is participate in the forums, isn't that what they are for?

    Like 1
    • Dagmar It happened to me a couple of times before when I was new to Tonebase and during submission postings over the weekends. Unfortunately, IT support seems to operate only during weekdays LA time, and having to wait the entire weekend plus most of Monday was pretty frustrating. I'm not sure if it was because the posts were long-ish or that I made many edits that raised the flag. I did suggest to IT that maybe the owner of the topic should be able to review and unblock the posts ... Hope it doesn't happen to you again, though!

      Like 1
      • Dagmar
      • always curious
      • Dagmar
      • 2 mths ago
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      Priya lt already happened twice. I also do many edits, because typing on the phone is so tiny and clumsy, the Box is so small and format options difficult to find. English is also not my native language and I have ADHD, so very often I see many typos, layout mistakes etc only at second or third glance,  and I don't want to keep them once I noticed them 😢

    • Dagmar I feel you!!! Same here about English not being my first language and kept spotting mistakes after first postings. If that was really the issue, I hope IT can make the application more forgiving against edits in quick successions.

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    • GuillaumeI
    • GuillaumeI
    • 2 mths ago
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    I love tonebase, and took the lifetime subscription originally for my daughter who is less than 10. I only wish there were content in French, so I was a tad disappointed when we received the email for localisation in a few language but not French.

    Otherwise maybe some new contents, both for the early years or later one (not many Bach's fugues or similar works)

    Like 1
  • The content is already great across the keyboard pedagogy. The only thing I really need is portability (downloads). Seven and a half hours on the plane to the Verbier Festival tomorrow is perfect time in isolation to focus….thanks to everyone at Tonebase for all your hard work and artist/teachers ! 

    Like 1
    • Chretien Risley Yes, to be able to download content would be so helpful!

    • Roger Ward
    • Roger_Ward
    • 2 mths ago
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    Just continue to post interesting content frequently to distract us from the crazy US political environment.  I feel much better when I can merge into music. 

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    • Dagmar
    • always curious
    • Dagmar
    • 2 mths ago
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    Is there an overview of forum threads I am following? So that I can access them quickly and see if they have new postings?  I do get tons of emails, and I can see where I last posted in my profile. But I can't find a list of my faved threads anywhere. I would rather check that list for a "new postings since last visit icon" than have mail alerts for plenty of threads. Might save you lots of traffic, too.

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