Ching Yun Hu on Rachmaninoff's Etude Tableaux op.39

Join Ching-Yun Hu, winner of the 2008 Rubinstein Competition, on this live lesson of Rachmaninoffs musically and technically monumental Etudes op.39!


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Join Ching-Yun Hu, winner of the 2008 Rubinstein Competition, on this live lesson of Rachmaninoffs musically and technically monumental Etudes op.39!

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    • Tyrone Boyle
    • Pianist, Houston Ballet
    • Tyrone_Boyle
    • 3 yrs ago
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    2-part Question:   


    1.) Similar to there being “preparatory exercises” that help with studying the Chopin Etudes (Alfred Cortot Edition, I believe???), are there any editions or preparatory suggestions for any of the Rachmaninov etudes?  


    2.) How do you feel about preparatory exercises?  Is it best to just “dive in” to the technique of a piece, versus studying any preparatory exercises that address technical issues in a given work?  

    • Jeff
    • Jeff
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Thoroughly enjoyed the live session with Ching-Yun, the intro on Rachmaninoff's style and composition technique painted a clear picture of how to decipher and perform his works.  Would love to see more from Miss Hu sharing her insight on other composers too. Of course, the demonstration of various passages and the performance of no 1 is just inspiring and out of this world!!!

    • Dave B
    • Dave_B
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Wonderful lecture and introduction to R’s Etudes. Much thanks. 

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