When is your favorite time of day to practice?

We all have very different practice schedules and I am wondering what time of day YOU enjoy practicing!


Different times of day can yield different results!

For example,

Some people prefer the morning for a FRESH brain in their work.

Some people prefer the evening  because there are less distractions, no emails incoming!

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  • For me it depends on my goals for the work!


    If I am working on memorization work, MORNING, is best for me when my brain is fresh! Or after a nap. I like to take periodic naps on days of high memory work!


    The late evening is best for "note learning" since the world is quiet, emails have stopped and I can focus only the piano!

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    • Albert
    • Albert
    • 1 yr ago
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    I also like to practice in the morning as much as possible since my mind is usually fresh. It's not always possible to do, but I try to shape my day around piano practice since it requires full focus, especially when learning new repertoire.

    Late evenings can work, but they're less predictable, for me at least (unless I have an upcoming concert... then it's 24/7!). Sometimes I have renewed energy and can practice late with full concentration; other times I'm brain dead from the workday.

    Breaks are important, though for me personally, they're mostly a matter of recognizing when I'm starting to get fatigued. I've tried scheduling breaks (using the Pomodoro method for example) but found that the reminders would take me out of a flow state right when I wanted to keep practicing. In any case, I find that after a two-hour practice session at the latest is a good time to take a break to let the brain digest the material and give the fingers a rest.

    • Melanie
    • Lapsed amateur pianist trying to get back to it after 30 years!
    • Melanie_Wymer
    • 1 yr ago
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    As a ā€œhobbyistā€ pianist, I like to practice on my digital piano with headphones once everyone has gone to bed. Itā€™s my ā€œmeā€ time. Though i have to confess that it often turns into a ā€œplay what I fancyā€ indulgent session rather than hard practice.  If I actually want to work on something properly then I have to make time earlier in the day when my mind is fresher. 

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    • tenyako
    • tenyako
    • 1 yr ago
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    A bit at the morning (mainly playing pieces) with my kid next to me, and late in the evening when everybody else sleeps I do the do a passage 20 times until it is okish work (digital piano). Sometimes briefly in the afternoon but that is not practice that is escape :P

    • Monika Tusnady
    • The Retired French Teacher
    • Monikainfrance
    • 1 yr ago
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    Morning hours are my ABSOLUTE BEST time for practice. Like Gillian, I have introduced scheduled breaks after listening to Dominicā€™s outstanding and truly transformative livestream. Not only is this a more productive way to spend practice time, but it practically eliminates back pain. I find that one needs to be judicious about break time activities: stretching and mindfulness - yes! Checking emailsā€¦.maybe not.

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  • Early mornings and late nights are the best. Often it's the 1st thing I do out of bed and play 2 hours straight before breakfast, sometimes I still play at 1 am  and go to bed feeling elated at the prospect of next morning's practice...! I also play intermittently through the afternoon to distract myself from my work.  It could be 4-6 hours a day in total but recently I've decided to do no more than 4 hrs a day, but to make sure it is quality rather than quality practice. 

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  • Definitely first thing in the morning for me. My mind is fresh, less distractions going on. I also like to play just before bed as well if not too tired.

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    • Giulia
    • Giulia
    • 1 yr ago
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    definitely the morning hours 

  • I always prefer 5 o'clock tea-time. Sometimes by night.

    • Harry Vig
    • Harry_Vig
    • 1 yr ago
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    Mornings for me are for getting the kids off to school, then gym time, then reporting to a 9-5 job.  Practice isn't an option until after I return from work.

    I like an hour before scheduled bed time.

    It helps me unwind, even if using an iPad to see my score or lesson, because I am concentrating on the keys.  It helps me get to sleep better.  Instead of counting sheep, I can return my thoughts to the practice session.  I am told this also helps solidify the lesson in my memory.  That makes it  a triple win.

    If time slips away, and I spend an extra hour on the piano, no harm no foul.

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  • I practice whenever I have time, as itā€™s difficult to align regular work and music school. So, I usually set goals even for small chunks of practice (maybe getting over the difficulties even in one-two measures if thatā€™s all I can do that day).

    During weekends itā€™s easier, so usually I have both morning and evening practice sessions with separate goals each.

    Important is that I touch piano every day.

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    • Jenny
    • Jenny.1
    • 1 yr ago
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    It's interesting to read everyone's preferred routine. I wish I could practice in the evening, but I find it difficult to concentrate. I practice straight after breakfast, for about 2 hours (using Pomodoro 25/5). I try to finish by 10.30am, (just to reduce the amount of grumbling i'll otherwise have to endure from the family :)). If I have a day on my own, i'll practice on/off through the day, that is my preference. 

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  • I practice 6:00 am to 7:00 am before work. After work I am too worn out. 

    I realised it after the pieces got harder and I head problems to concentrate during the practise session in the evening.

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    • Edmund
    • Edmund
    • 1 yr ago
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    After midnight when it's all peaceful and quiet. I practice on a digital piano (Yamaha Modus F11) so I can lower the volume or wear a headphone. 

  • I really like to study in the morning when my brain is clear and fresh , after finishing some of my homework especially when Iā€™m memorizing a piece , also take some brakes , the most  of the time I study 3 to 4 hours or more a day , depending on how busy Iā€™m 

    • Charles Li
    • Charles_Li.1
    • 1 yr ago
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    I have more productive practice in the mornings and afternoons, but I love playing piano in the evenings to wind down and find my emotional connection with the music.

  • My day job takes precedent for daylight hours. So it is evening for me. I have no time constraint in the evening or the wee early morning hours. The world is overall quieter. Great time for composing too.

  • Iā€™m also an evening practiser although I am happy to practice anytime of the day. Mornings I am teaching so my practices are usually 9.00-11.00pm which I really enjoy. Luckily my husband is also a musician and also needs to practice at that time so we just go off to practice and then meet in the bathroom to get ready for bed. Stopping at 11.00 can be difficult though as it becomes a ā€˜oh he is still practicing so Iā€™ll just play such and suchā€™ at which point he sees Iā€™m still playing and does the same!

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  • I don't have a specific time when I want to practise, the sad thing is that the piano is not in a private room, it's in the middle of the living room. This forces me to wait for the place to be cleared of people who object to my music before I can practice for the only person who really appreciates my playing, my dad. Actually, I practice whenever possible. 

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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      Patrick Bentolila sort of in the same boat!  My piano is directly in front of the door to my husbandā€™s office.  But, luckily, I have a digital keyboard with headphones while heā€™s working.  

      Could you get an inexpensive digital keyboard?  My friend got one at a thrift store for $40 and it works beautifully!

      Like 1
    • Gail Starr Actually, this might be a good solution. They won't be able to make scary noises to annoy me while I'm wearing headphones on my head. Thank you šŸ˜Š 

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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      Patrick Bentolila let us know if you find an affordable keyboard šŸ˜Š

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    • Gail Starr Until I get my hands on something more current, here's my family's piano for over hundreds of years in my familyšŸ¤£

      , I urgently need a new one. 

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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      Patrick Bentolila at least it LOOKS beautiful! šŸ˜Š

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      • Tom
      • Tom.13
      • 10 mths ago
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      Patrick Bentolila 

      wonderful to have such a beautiful heirloom with a history of being played by your family.  
      For a new piano šŸŽ¹ I'd suggest a digital to save space if that's an issue 

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