What is the most accessible piano concerto(s) for a first-timer?
I am an advanced level pianist who plays advanced ARCT-level solo repertoire. There is a local concerto competition in April that I am planning to give it a shot and try it. It has always been a lifelong dream to perform with a live orchestra and the prize for finalists is that they will get to perform with the orchestra.
The requirement is for a solo piano and orchestral work with a maximum of 20 minutes. What are everyone's suggestions and recommendations on what I could start learning? I have never played any concertos before.
I know the most famous stereotype about that Grieg Concerto is the most accessible and least challenging ones to start with, but what about Beethoven's 1st, 2nd, 3rd concerti? Mozart concertos also sound more straightforward but I know it makes it more challenging to get the sound and articulation right.
Any suggestions here?
Hi - I played the Haydn Concerto in D Major and I thought it was pretty straightforward. https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?fr=yhs-reb-ext_onelaunch&ei=UTF-8&hsimp=yhs-ext_onelaunch&hspart=reb&p=haydn+concerto+in+d+major&type=0_1001_102_0086_108_240130#id=0&vid=338ec0c5c49f5786f71cd928518212a9&action=click
I think the Schumann concerto in a minor is a good choice. It avoids the articulation issues of Mozart’s works, which may be deceptively easy. The a minor work is comfortable technically, has wonderful dynamic contrasts and it “pulls” the listener forward with its great energy.
Unlike others, I find the 3rd movement of Mendelsohn’s concerto very difficult. This is an issue I feel is peculiar to me as I’ve seen 10 year olds perform it on YouTube.