music score software

I have recently purchased a large lPad Pro to use for scores.  Any recommendations for a particular software?

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    • Gail Starr
    • Retired MBA
    • Gail_Starr
    • yesterday
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    I use my left foot and got some velcro that I attached to the bottom so that the pedal sticks to a little carpet that I keep under the piano pedals.  But, I must admit, I'm still nervous to use it for a performance.  Like Sedef CANKOCAK I use it mostly for chamber music because there are sooo many more pages to turn.


    I'm scared to use it for repeated sections, though, because when I try to go backwards I overshoot the page I need!

      • Peter Golemme
      • Piano Player with Day Job (for now)
      • Peter_G
      • 10 hrs ago
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      Gail Starr thanks for the input Gail.  Dominic had a workaround for the repeats with ForScore, which I think was mentioned in his technology course. I forget the details but it was something like duplicating the repeated measures and pasting/inserting them into the score as part of a new PDF.  or something like that.

      I've just started to work with it.  Velcro is an ingenious solution to the sliding! I've got a 1.5" thick cutting board on the floor under my pedals, to elevate my feet because the piano is relatively high off the floor*. The board is not big enough to accommodate the page turning pedal, so I'll have to find a bigger board or develop a different adaptation . It's always something!

      *(my feet were inexplicably hurting after we got the piano; I thought it was my shoes or my exercise routine, but my very astute wife noticed that I was holding my feet at a very high angle to reach the pedals. she suggested the cutting board and voila, pain gone! I never would have made that connection on my own!)

    • Peter Golemme Amazing idea!

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