The Power of Logical Notation in Fast Musical Progress (With David Chang)

What if you could dramatically improve your learning speed through your raw skill at intricate strategy, logic, and decision-making? This is skill independent of talent, hard work, technique, and theory - an independent multiplier.

In this livestream, David Chang will share some of his unique logical methodology for practicing. Specifically, he will share the basics of his logical notation where you can keep track of musical segments as small as 1/8 or 1/16 of a measure (or smaller).

Once you play microscopic segments to the highest quality rather than medium-sized segments to a mediocre quality, keep track of that granular work through notation, and discover ways to elegantly expand said work into increasingly larger segments through spaced repetition (and many other layered concepts), entire worlds of newfound efficiency begin to open up for you.


Follow this event link to tune in!


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