Week 4: Final Submissions!



For this challenge "A Fresh Start" the goal is to pick a BRAND-NEW piece to work on this month.

This is the time to finally open that score that you have been thinking about and get to work!



1. Let's share our final progress this week - post a video of a selection, part, or entire piece to showcase your progress this month!

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  • Here's where I currently am with the Sonata in B minor K. 87 / L. 33 by Domenico Scarlatti. Given that I have had other pieces to work on this month, I think it's a decent start that encourages me to one day finish the piece and get it performance-ready. It still very "notey" and static and needs a lot more flow and phrasing, but with enough practice, it can get there, I think. 


    Like 10
    • Alexander Weymann It sounds beautiful to me already! I can hear your deep connection to this piece. Thanks for sharing it with us!

      Like 2
    • Alexander Weymann Beautiful sensitive playing of this gorgeous piece, Alexander! Thanks for sharing! 

      Like 2
    • Alexander Weymann Very good. I enjoyed that. Especially the second half where you relaxed more and brought out the two voices beautifully.

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      • Juan Carlos Olite
      • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
      • Juan_Carlos
      • 5 mths ago
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      Alexander Weymann Love this piece, Alexander! So melancholic, and you play it in a beautiful, deep, touching way. Thank you for sharing it.

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    • Alexander Weymann A tranquil meditation.  I loved how you introduced the theme and then went on weaving the melodies.

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      • Marc M
      • Amateur piano enthusiast
      • Marc_M
      • 5 mths ago
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      Alexander Weymann I think you captured the feel of the piece! Nice work.

      Like 3
    • Alexander Weymann Such restrained and meditative beauty! It's definitely coming along very nicely :)

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    • Alexander Weymann Beautiful playing, Alexander! Your phrasing, bringing out melodies, and overall structure of the piece, is so well done. Congratulations on a great accomplishment along side everything else you’ve been doing this month. 

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      • Judy Kuan
      • Personal trainer
      • Judy_Kuan.1
      • 5 mths ago
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      Alexander Weymann Beautiful and organic - such a big difference in just a few days! I was curious after your last video and sightread this - so impressed by your voicing and discipline to learn it without pedal first. 

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    • Andrea LeVan Vidhya Bashyam Andrea Buckland Richard Littlewood Juan Carlos Olite Sedef CANKOCAK Marc M  Priya Viseskul Sindre Skarelven Judy Kuan Thank you all for your very kind comments and for listening so intently! As you can tell, I really love this piece deeply, so your encouragement means a lot to me. This has been a wonderful month of making music together, hasn't it? 🙂

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      • Michelle R
      • Michelle_Russell
      • 5 mths ago
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      Alexander Weymann Lovely, calming, peaceful, meditative - I enjoyed the steadiness with which you played, as I could relax and just let the music carry me. Beautiful playing, Alex. I look forward to hearing it again!

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    • Michelle R thank you for these lovely comments! 🙂 So glad you enjoyed the music. 

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    • Alexander Weymann That is an intense and  moving performance, you can feel your love for this piece. Thank you,

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      • Jack vreeland
      • Retired marketing and design firm owner.
      • Jack_vreeland
      • 4 mths ago
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      Alexander Weymann Yes, worth taking to the next level. Great piece and you have a nice feel for it. 

  • Here is week 4 progress on this Brahms Intermezzo in A Major - I had a super busy week so I feel like a took a bit of a step backwards in some regards, and still really struggle with memorizing this one. I’m also still not feeling comfortable with many sections and passages so hopefully this next week I can really start getting my speed and comfort level up and start polishing and working more on my dynamics and musicality. Since this is the last week on this challenge I plan to keep this going by creating a practice journal out here and even add some others I’ve been working on to track progress. ❤️


    Like 7
    • Andrea LeVan It’s coming together for sure! This methodical practice is going to pay off very soon. Looking forward to hearing it again when you are ready to share!

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      • Juan Carlos Olite
      • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
      • Juan_Carlos
      • 5 mths ago
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      Andrea LeVan Very good job, Andrea! It goes very well, looking forward to hearing it with more time!

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    • Andrea LeVan It's getting there! Looking forward to your future development.

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    • Andrea LeVan Well done, Andrea! This piece is quite complicated with all its inner voices, and not so usual chords, and you have come a long way this month! It is a beauty worth polishing. 

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      • Judy Kuan
      • Personal trainer
      • Judy_Kuan.1
      • 5 mths ago
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      Andrea LeVan You're doing a great job working through a really challenging piece! There are so many awkward reaches, but apparently Brahms is giving us physical reminders to connote inner emotional struggle to the listener. 

      Like 2
    • Andrea LeVan I would say it’s coming along really well, lots of beautiful moments in this wonderful piece. Thank you 

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      • Jack vreeland
      • Retired marketing and design firm owner.
      • Jack_vreeland
      • 4 mths ago
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      Andrea LeVan That piece has so much to explore. Congrats on getting to this point under time constraints. 

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  • Here is my week 4 video. I played it slightly slower than last week to see if I like it better- not sure yet if I do. Happy to have started learning a new piece with everyone in this challenge. 

    Like 12
    • Vidhya Bashyam You have such a warm tone, Vidhya! I love it! 

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    • Vidhya Bashyam Very good Vidhya. You did speed up the tempo towards the end, I think, and it flowed better.

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