Week 4: Final Submissions!
- Dominic CheliTeam
- Dominic_Cheli
- 10 mths ago
- 307replies
- Katrina Wei9 mths ago

For this challenge "A Fresh Start" the goal is to pick a BRAND-NEW piece to work on this month.
This is the time to finally open that score that you have been thinking about and get to work!
1. Let's share our final progress this week - post a video of a selection, part, or entire piece to showcase your progress this month!
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- Dominic CheliTeam
- Dominic_Cheli
- 10 mths ago
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Here is my final submission!
I performed Rachmaninoff's Prelude in G minor for the first time in public! It was at the Huntington Library before an Astronomy Lecture sponsored by the Carnegie Institute.
I was pretty pleased with it overall, but certainly want to keep improving!
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- Michelle R
- Michelle_Russell
- 10 mths ago
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Dominic Cheli Thanks for joining in with us on this challenge, Dominic. This was such a treat to listen to. Amazing performance! Bravo!
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- Marc M
- Amateur piano enthusiast
- Marc_M
- 10 mths ago
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Dominic Cheli Impressive that you would perform this piece in public within a month of starting to work on it! Haha. I especially loved the punchy bass notes toward the end. :D
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- Sindre SkarelvenAmbassador
- Pianist, composer and piano teacher
- Sindre_Skarelven
- 10 mths ago
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Dominic Cheli Bravo, Dominic!
So awesome that you already got to perform it publicly, and post it for us! A very powerful performance, and some fantastic articulations.
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- Judy Kuan
- Personal trainer
- Judy_Kuan.1
- 10 mths ago
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Dominic Cheli So impressive, and I can only appreciate it more having witnessed the process! Bravo and thanks for the inspiration!
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- Alexander Weymann
- Pediatrician
- a_weymann
- 10 mths ago
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Dominic Cheli wow! Truly stunning, especially for learning this in a month (and sharing your progress with us in real time). You maintain such great energy in the piece; the dramatic arc - especially gradually building back up to those E flat major fanfares after the lyrical middle section - is totally convincing; I also love the deliberate articulation choices you make between staccato, portato and tenuto in the various iterations of the main theme which lets it never sound repetitive. And it's amazing how you bring out the melody/melodies in the middle section through all the other stuff that's going on beneath it and around it (could you do a tonebase lesson on voicing of chords some day, if that hasn't been done yet?). Just enviable and inspiring. Thank you!
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- Gail Starr
- Retired MBA
- Gail_Starr
- 10 mths ago
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Dominic Cheli Thank you for allowing us to come along for the ride as you mastered this timeless classic. I especially love your tempo and the delicious rubato you use after the lyrical D maj section right before you dive back into the original theme and tempo. Your interpretation is so much more human than a bunch of others we've heard that just rush headlong into the fray!
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- Jack vreeland
- Retired marketing and design firm owner.
- Jack_vreeland
- 10 mths ago
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Dominic Cheli Bravo. Beautifully done. Congratulations. And a wonderful sounding piano, recording, and camera work to boot. Love the drama and poetry of this work.
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- Vidhya Bashyam
- vbashyam
- 10 mths ago
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Dominic Cheli Bravo Dominic! You have brought new life into this classic piece for sure. Echoing others thanks for including us in your preparation process. Adding this to my list of pieces to aspire to learn.
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- Heng-Pin ChenAmbassador
- HengPin_Chen
- 10 mths ago
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Dominic Cheli Bravo!!! Really enjoy your performance.
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- Jarkko Janhunen
- Jarkko_Janhunen
- 10 mths ago
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Dominic Cheli Bravo!!! Excellent performance!
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- Angela Fogg
- Angela_Fogg
- 10 mths ago
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Dominic Cheli Thank you Dominic I so enjoyed this performance. The perfect combination of strength and softness.
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- Juan Carlos Olite
- Philosophy teacher and piano lover
- Juan_Carlos
- 10 mths ago
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Dominic Cheli Bravo, sounds powerful and beautiful at the same time. Thank you so much for joining with us on this challenge, Dominic.
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- Natalie Peh
- Natalie_Peh
- 10 mths ago
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Dominic Cheli Bravo! That was a brilliant performance! What can I say- I loved it!!!
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- Jack vreeland
- Retired marketing and design firm owner.
- Jack_vreeland
- 9 mths ago
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Jack vreeland Thank you so much. Lots of tech behind the scenes.
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- 10 mths ago
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The link to my submission for this exercise is below. I am a bit overwhelmed after seeing the level of the pieces presented here (I am a level 4 student of the piano) but here goes. I have worked on Scarlatti's g minor sonata (KK deest; recently discovered). I hesitated about pedal use both because I am not sure how much one should do so for baroque pieces but also because I am new to pedalling. I memorised it but there are hesitations here and there.
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- Judy Kuan
- Personal trainer
- Judy_Kuan.1
- 10 mths ago
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Sedef CANKOCAK So lovely! Well polished and well interpreted
Thank you for sharing and introducing me to this piece.
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- Alexander Weymann
- Pediatrician
- a_weymann
- 10 mths ago
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Sedef CANKOCAK this is just lovely. You have a beautiful touch; the melody is brought nicely to the fore; the ornaments are relaxed and crisp; the phrasing is tasteful and natural; you even added some expressive diminuendo/echo effects. A lot of good music making in such a short piece - brava!
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- 10 mths ago
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Alexander Weymann Thanks very much Alexander and Judy for your analysis and encouraging words. This motivates me to begin my Scarlatti project. I want to memorise a group of short Scarlatti pieces for a recital for friends.
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- Sindre SkarelvenAmbassador
- Pianist, composer and piano teacher
- Sindre_Skarelven
- 10 mths ago
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Sedef CANKOCAK beautiful playing! I very much enjoyed your ornaments, and the whole piece felt very organic and well phrased.
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- Gail Starr
- Retired MBA
- Gail_Starr
- 10 mths ago
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Sedef CANKOCAK What a great idea for a recital! Your friends will be so happy.
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- Michelle R
- Michelle_Russell
- 10 mths ago
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Sedef CANKOCAK This is lovely and cheerful. Thank you for sharing! Well played.
Don't be overwhelmed by the level of pieces that are shared here. This is the most supportive, kind, and encouraging music community I have found online. And, I'm always here sharing my easy pieces!! Though I will admit to feeling a bit odd sometimes presenting my little pieces in between the likes of Scriabin, Rachmaninoff, Chopin, etc.
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- Jack vreeland
- Retired marketing and design firm owner.
- Jack_vreeland
- 10 mths ago
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Sedef CANKOCAK Well done. Clean and articulate all the way.
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- Vidhya Bashyam
- vbashyam
- 10 mths ago
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Sedef CANKOCAK Very beautiful! Really enjoyed your Scarlatti and looking forward to hearing more!
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- Marc M
- Amateur piano enthusiast
- Marc_M
- 10 mths ago
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Sedef CANKOCAK Tone, tempo, articulation, and trills are sounding great to me!
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