Week 4: Final Submissions!

For this challenge "A Fresh Start" the goal is to pick a BRAND-NEW piece to work on this month.
This is the time to finally open that score that you have been thinking about and get to work!
1. Let's share our final progress this week - post a video of a selection, part, or entire piece to showcase your progress this month!
Uploading my progress on Chopin Nocturnes Op. 55! I just came back from my travel (went to NY and Baltimore to see concerts by Yunchan Lim and Minsoo Son!!!) yesterday and took a shot of my nocturnes. Might not much improvement.. or even degraded cause I wasn't able to practice much last week. I also feel I'm at that period of time of transitioning from practicing to be more fluent comportable for live performing in mid May.
It was a great expericnce exchanging progress with folks here, it's very motivating and great to know that there are so much energy going into making music. Will be happy to join future threads too! Thanks!
Ok, here's my final submission for this challenge (with added commentary for fun lol): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPGFox7s7Cw
Different mic setup again...picture attached in case you're curious. I went for the "EBS" 90 degree angle, 25 cm apart, just above lid to avoid lid reflection sound. I think it captures a bit more dynamic range this way.
It was a pleasure cramming piano practice with y'all this month! :)
I have greatly enjoyed being part in this engaged, international community. Thank you all. It really pushed me to bring together a number of concepts I have been trying to absorb from online learning. (This great lesson was the first Scriabin piece I worked on: https://app.tonebase.co/piano/library?tbModal=courseModal&tbModalSlug=nicolas-namoradze-teaches-etude-op-2-no-1-composed-by-scriabin) My "Play 'n' Practice" app tells me I have spent 40.45 hours learning this now over 5 weeks. For me, the recording takes time. You don't want to know how many takes.