Week 4: Final Submissions!



For this challenge "A Fresh Start" the goal is to pick a BRAND-NEW piece to work on this month.

This is the time to finally open that score that you have been thinking about and get to work!



1. Let's share our final progress this week - post a video of a selection, part, or entire piece to showcase your progress this month!

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    • Aaron
    • Aaron.2
    • 5 mths ago
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    Dear all,


    Hope you are well. Here is an excerpt of the Scherzo, the second movement of Sonata number 2, Op. 14 by Prokofiev. There is still a lot of work to do with this piece. Any advice would be very much appreciated. Thank you for listening!



    Best wishes,


    Like 12
    • Aaron Sounds great, Aaron! 

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    • Aaron Very Prokofiev :)  Bravo!

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      • Aaron
      • Aaron.2
      • 5 mths ago
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      Sindre Skarelven Thank you! 

      • Aaron
      • Aaron.2
      • 5 mths ago
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      Heng-Pin Chen Thank you! I hope so! 

      • Judy Kuan
      • Personal trainer
      • Judy_Kuan.1
      • 5 mths ago
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      Aaron Great character! I know even less about Prokofiev than Scriabin, so can only share that I enjoyed it and would love to get your scherzo mischievous character in another piece I'm working on!

      Like 2
    • Aaron  I like your steady rhythm. An idea: when the left hand goes over, it might be interesting to have the right hand play more piano (still staccato) so that the accent made by the left hand is highlighted.

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      • Jack vreeland
      • Retired marketing and design firm owner.
      • Jack_vreeland
      • 5 mths ago
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      Aaron Super. Clean and captures a great spirt.

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    • Aaron wow such a great performance of that piece and stellar fashion sense too! 👍🎶✔️

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    • Aaron very crisp and clear and with the appropriately unrelenting rhythmic drive - excellent!

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      • Aaron
      • Aaron.2
      • 5 mths ago
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      Alexander Weymann Thank you, Alexander! 😊

      • Aaron
      • Aaron.2
      • 5 mths ago
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      Andrea LeVan Thank you, Andrea! 😊

      • Aaron
      • Aaron.2
      • 5 mths ago
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      Jack vreeland Thank you, Jack! 😊

      • Aaron
      • Aaron.2
      • 5 mths ago
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      Sedef CANKOCAK Thank you, Sedef! That’s a good suggestion! 😊

      • Aaron
      • Aaron.2
      • 5 mths ago
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      Judy Kuan Thank you, Judy! What piece is it? 😊

      • Judy Kuan
      • Personal trainer
      • Judy_Kuan.1
      • 5 mths ago
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      Aaron Mendelssohn Op 14, though now you have me very intrigued by Prokofiev Op 14!

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    • Judy Kuan that whole sonata is fabulous, and I do think it would be a great piece for you.

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      • Judy Kuan
      • Personal trainer
      • Judy_Kuan.1
      • 5 mths ago
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      Alexander Weymann Thanks for the insight (again!) Lol after asking you for all that advice on Rach rep, and here we are with Scriabin and maybe Prokofiev

    • Aaron that's a lovely piece, and you play it beautifully!

    • Michelle R
    • Michelle_Russell
    • 5 mths ago
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    I found it much more challenging than expected to play the Prelude & Gigue back-to-back in a "successful" manner. So I lowered my expectations a bit, and am mostly satisfied with this submission: it is memorized, at a decent tempo, and only a couple of pauses in the Gigue. I decided that I could either remember the notes or be aware of my wrist dropping too much - you'll see that moment! The wrist will take more time and effort to correct. Great challenge experience. As always, thanks for all the support and encouragement from my piano friends.


    Like 11
    • Michelle R Very even and smooth Prelude, Bravo!

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    • Michelle R The gigue is good. It is fun to listen to and has a nice up and down flow. And I like the final smile. You finally triumphed on take 372!

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    • Michelle R Very pleasant and well phrased playing, Michelle! I'm glad you challenged yourself to play them back to back. Congratulations on this accomplishment.   

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    • Michelle R Great job Michelle! I have really enjoyed hearing you play these lovely pieces! 

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      • Judy Kuan
      • Personal trainer
      • Judy_Kuan.1
      • 5 mths ago
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      Michelle R Great work and observations! I admire your self-awareness and persistence. Practicing these character changes between contrasting movements is something I wish I'd had the musical maturity to start doing earlier on...

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    • Michelle R Your performance has a nice energy to it! Thank you for sharing!

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