Week 4: Final Submissions!
- Dominic CheliTeam
- Dominic_Cheli
- 9 mths ago
- 307replies
- Katrina Wei8 mths ago

For this challenge "A Fresh Start" the goal is to pick a BRAND-NEW piece to work on this month.
This is the time to finally open that score that you have been thinking about and get to work!
1. Let's share our final progress this week - post a video of a selection, part, or entire piece to showcase your progress this month!
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- Marc M
- Amateur piano enthusiast
- Marc_M
- 9 mths ago
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Here’s where I am. Still an occasional slip, but I’m getting closer. The hardest part of the piece is the spread of the notes…left hand is all over the keyboard, and the right hand has adds some jumps to the mix at the end also. The result is that I can’t just muscle memory the piece.
https://youtu.be/7kjgKMbt7ic (edit: this is not final version...see below.)If I can eke out something better later this week I’ll post again. Will there be a watch party for this challenge? If not might play this for the May concert.
EDIT: FINAL VERSION HERE (with added commentary for fun lol): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPGFox7s7Cw
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- Judy Kuan
- Personal trainer
- Judy_Kuan.1
- 9 mths ago
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Marc M 100% agree...pretty sure I was looking at my LH 95% of the time for the etude and just hoping for the best for the RH
Also, I'm pretty sure Sindre signed up for the June recital with Chopin Ballade 3, so you're almost certainly good to share this in the upcoming recitals!
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- Sindre SkarelvenAmbassador
- Pianist, composer and piano teacher
- Sindre_Skarelven
- 9 mths ago
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Marc M Very beautiful playing, Marc! What a a gentle and peaceful piece this is. It will fit very nicely in the May concert if you so choose. (We will most certainly have a Watch party too, if we follow usual protocol)
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- Juan Carlos Olite
- Philosophy teacher and piano lover
- Juan_Carlos
- 9 mths ago
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Marc M Beautiful atmosphere to listening to with closed eyes; excellent job, Marc!
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- Angela Fogg
- Angela_Fogg
- 9 mths ago
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Marc M That was so beautiful Marc, thank you!
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- Jack vreeland
- Retired marketing and design firm owner.
- Jack_vreeland
- 9 mths ago
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Marc M Such wonderful Scriabin melody and you are shaping it very smoothly.
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- Marc M
- Amateur piano enthusiast
- Marc_M
- 9 mths ago
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Jack vreeland Angela Fogg Juan Carlos Olite Sindre Skarelven Judy Kuan Thank you for the kind words!
Alexander Weymann The second of the half really does have a sort of hypnotic quality to it--there's a lot of echoing of phrases after the initial theme repeats. Interesting how the piece crescendos into a diminished chord pattern and then goes via a whole tone scale to that super crunchy penultimate chord, the whole of which makes the last chord really satisfying.
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- Natalie Peh
- Natalie_Peh
- 9 mths ago
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Marc M gorgeous playing! Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed listening to you play!
- Richard Littlewood
- Richard_George_Littlewoo
- 9 mths ago
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Here is what I managed after 3 weeks. The hardest part is the voicing and the unusual chord jumps.
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- Michelle R
- Michelle_Russell
- 9 mths ago
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Richard Littlewood Very pretty. Nice work!
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- Judy Kuan
- Personal trainer
- Judy_Kuan.1
- 9 mths ago
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Richard Littlewood The quiet melancholy came through, and your voicing sounded great to me. I wouldn't have guessed that was Brahms!
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- Sindre SkarelvenAmbassador
- Pianist, composer and piano teacher
- Sindre_Skarelven
- 9 mths ago
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Richard Littlewood Beautiful playing, Richard!
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- Vidhya Bashyam
- vbashyam
- 9 mths ago
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Richard Littlewood Very beautiful! I haven’t heard this piece before.
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- Heng-Pin ChenAmbassador
- HengPin_Chen
- 9 mths ago
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Richard Littlewood Very nice, beautiful. Bravo!
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- Richard Littlewood
- Richard_George_Littlewoo
- 9 mths ago
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Thank you Heng-Pin Chen, Sindre, Vidhya, Judy and Michelle.
This is a recently discovered autographed Brahms piece, the melody of which he later went on to put into a piano, horn, violin trio.
It is full of tension and variety, so very interesting to play.
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- Angela Fogg
- Angela_Fogg
- 9 mths ago
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Richard Littlewood Lovely piece and well played, thank you so much!
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- Juan Carlos Olite
- Philosophy teacher and piano lover
- Juan_Carlos
- 9 mths ago
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Richard Littlewood Sounds very beautiful, Richard! The voicing is excellent and the melody traps the listener.
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- Jack vreeland
- Retired marketing and design firm owner.
- Jack_vreeland
- 9 mths ago
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Richard Littlewood Elegantly performed. Thank you.
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- Andrea LeVan
- Andrea_LeVan
- 9 mths ago
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Richard Littlewood gorgeous piece it was great to hear you play it!
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- Marc M
- Amateur piano enthusiast
- Marc_M
- 9 mths ago
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Richard Littlewood I had never heard this piece before. It’s great—well done!
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- Alexander Weymann
- Pediatrician
- a_weymann
- 9 mths ago
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Richard Littlewood didn't Dominic share this with us in last year's Brahms Mini Challenge? I think that's where I remember it from. Lovely piece, with typical aching Brahmsian harmonies. Very well played.
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- Richard Littlewood
- Richard_George_Littlewoo
- 9 mths ago
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Alexander Weymann There was a livestream a while back, but it wasn't Dominic - this piece was included for sure.
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- Alexander Weymann
- Pediatrician
- a_weymann
- 9 mths ago
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Richard Littlewood no, I meant the score (the sheet music), not a performance.
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- Richard Littlewood
- Richard_George_Littlewoo
- 9 mths ago
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Alexander Weymann It wasn't the Brahms challenge. I found this score on a different livestream - although I don't clearly remember - it was a different presenter for sure, another pianist, not Dominic.
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- Sindre SkarelvenAmbassador
- Pianist, composer and piano teacher
- Sindre_Skarelven
- 9 mths ago
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Richard Littlewood Alexander Weymann
Yes, I remember there was a Mini Challenge on some of Brahms forgotten pieces, including this one. I didn’t take part myself, but I noticed it. There was a related Live Stream with Adam Golka, which I think you’re referring to, Richard.
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- Natalie Peh
- Natalie_Peh
- 9 mths ago
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Richard Littlewood that's a lovely piece, and played beautifully too!
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