Comprehensive musical notations

Hi, what is the best comprehensive music notation resource in 1 place? Does tonebase have a course on it? 

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  • It would be nice to find a resource that really gives what a musician needs to know in order to perform a song that truly reflects the composer's intent. It starts, of course, with a good understanding of music notation, but not thoroughly, just the essentials needed to understand and then let your imagination take over. The essential notations that are commonly taught, but also these lesser known notations that bring more understanding to the interpretation of the song. These lesser known notations are known by good musicians who know how to use them to bring out the best in a song. Mrs. STERN-BACZEWSKA, for example, in her various treatises on the works of Bach, mentions the various uses of notation sparingly, but it's hard to keep up with everything she says. Equipped with such knowledge, a musician will undoubtedly be able to perform a song at the level intended by the composer and even surpass it. Having all these resources in one place would really help us.

    I think if you could add some contextual historical elements that would help understand where these terms came from and how they happened to be represented in this way, it would allow the musician to deepen their understanding of a piece and better understand the composer's intent.  

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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      Patrick Bentolila Are you searching for background in historical ornamentation?  I have a friend who's an expert in that area, and I could ask her.

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    • Gail  It would be very nice. Thank you.

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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      Patrick Bentolila I will ask my friend this week!  I'm sure she can recommend a good book or course.

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    • Gail Starr Having some hindsight on how musical notation terminologies were thought of can only be beneficial. 馃グ

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