Group-journey threw J.S. Bach - Two and three part inventions!

This thread is a group-thread dedicated to J.S. Bach Two part inventions. The point is that we can discover them and go deeper into them together, and motivate each other in the prosess of learning and practicing them. 

Who is this for? This is for everyone who wants to join! 
What's the goal? You define your own goal, with how much you want to learn. But try to commit to learn 1, 2, 3, or how many you like. Share your goal with the rest of us! 

Why learn two and three part inventions? In Bach's own words (of course translated to english) "Honest method, by which the amateurs of the keyboard – especially, however, those desirous of learning – are shown a clear way not only (1) to learn to play cleanly in two parts, but also, after further progress, (2) to handle three obligate parts correctly and well; and along with this not only to obtain good inventions (ideas) but to develop the same well; above all, however, to achieve a cantabile style in playing and at the same time acquire a strong foretaste of composition."

Some recording links on Spotify: 

Glenn Gould


András Schiff


Resources on Tonebase: Magdalena Stern-Baczewska Course: Intro to J. S. Bach’s Keyboard Music


Ben Laude Live session: Bach Invention No. 1: Analysis for Performers


For everyone joining: Please make a post of your personal goals threw this journey. Remember every goal is fine! I hope participants will share video-updates regularly, so we can follow each others progress! 

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  • Continuing on this journey, here is No. 10. I know I rushed in the long trills near the end … what can I say ….

    My old Schirmer edition suggests a tempo of Presto with metronome marking 152 to the dotted quarter! That had to be from Czerny - crazy. Not the edition I use, I just keep it in my collection to refer to sometimes. 

    Like 5
    • Harriet Kaplan Great Harriet!  Just got back from a long vacation (4 weeks away from the piano!) where I couldn’t practice, but have been enjoying listening as you make your way through the inventions. Looking forward to hearing #9. 

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    • Vidhya Bashyam thank you! Four weeks away from piano must have been hard.

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    • Harriet Kaplan wonderful! This one's all about the trills, but it's also very melodious throughout. Very nice!

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      • Juan Carlos Olite
      • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
      • Juan_Carlos
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Harriet Kaplan Great job, Harriet! With these long trills. It is a cheery invention.

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Harriet Kaplan I love the spark and verve you impart to this "trill-ing" invention. (LOL!)

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    • Harriet Kaplan Well done! It's a joyful invention :) 

    • Harriet Kaplan well done, Harriet!

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    • Juan Carlos Olite
    • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
    • Juan_Carlos
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Sixth video: invention nº 2 in C minor:

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    • Juan Carlos Olite love the beautiful and expressive interpetation! 

    • Juan Carlos Olite  Beautifully played. Agree with Natalie Peh that it is very expressive. Love the emotional aspect to these inventions.

    • Juan Carlos Olite Excellent playing, Juan Carlos! One of my favorites, as it trains the mind very well in playing canon. And the melody is gorgeous. 

      • Juan Carlos Olite
      • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
      • Juan_Carlos
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Natalie Peh Vidhya Bashyam Sindre Skarelven Thank you so much! I love playing this kind of music 🙂.

    • Juan Carlos Olite bravo Juan Carlos! This is also one of my favorites.

      • Juan Carlos Olite
      • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
      • Juan_Carlos
      • 1 yr ago
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      Andrea Buckland Thank you very much, Andrea!

      • Michelle R
      • Michelle_Russell
      • 1 yr ago
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      Juan Carlos Olite beautifully played! Thank you.

    • Juan Carlos Olite
    • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
    • Juan_Carlos
    • 1 yr ago
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    Seventh video: invention nº4 in D minor:

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    • Juan Carlos Olite Bravo, Juan Carlos! Great that you keep the Bach challenge going! And by the way: I absolutely loved how you played the Mazurka. Didn’t get a chance to tell you during the Masterclass. 

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      • Juan Carlos Olite
      • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
      • Juan_Carlos
      • 1 yr ago
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      Andrea Buckland Thank you so much, Andrea! I tell you the same thing, we were totally focus in our interactive class with Jarred. It was a wonderful experience and I found your playing so great and like sharing this Masterclass with you. And, of course, the Bach challenge is far to be over, many pieces remained to be played 😂...

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    • Juan Carlos Olite  love the well articulated and expressive voices, simply beautiful! 


      Juan Carlos Olite Andrea Buckland I watched the recorded Mazurka class with Jarred, first thing the following morning! Thanks for playing live, both your interpretations were a joy to listen to! 

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    • Juan Carlos Olite Bravo!  I agree this challenge is far from over. I have been practicing #14 and hope to post it soon. I echo others in the enjoyment we had in watching you and Andrea Buckland in the Mazurka session with Jarred. Even inspired me to pick my next Mazurka to practice. 

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    • Juan Carlos Olite Loved it! Great energy in this interpretation, Juan Carlos! 

      Yes, this challenge/journey is far from over! I deleted the "original dates", because I think we can always come back to this. I had to take a break from this, because of too much other things to do, but will resume the practice as soon as I can! 

      I must also echo the others, loved your and   Andrea Buckland  's playing in the Mazurka masterclass ( I also wrote in the thread for the masterclass) Very inspiring! Very well done playing live!!  

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      • Michelle R
      • Michelle_Russell
      • 1 yr ago
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      Juan Carlos Olite lovely! I, too, enjoyed watching the masterclass, and you and Andrea Buckland played beautifully. I'm glad y'all are continuing to post. One day I'll be able to graduate to the 2-part Inventions. 🙂

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    • Sindre Skarelven Vidhya Bashyam Juan Carlos Olite Natalie Peh Thank you all very much for your kind words! It was a pleasure to share the experience with you, Juan Carlos!  Playing live though made me super nervous. I have absolutely no experience whatsoever and was shaking all day. Would be great maybe to find piano buddies to practice playing live for one another regularly on zoom… just a Little group, no recording, safe space…What do you think?

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    • Michelle R thank you very much, Michelle!

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