Group-journey threw J.S. Bach - Two and three part inventions!

This thread is a group-thread dedicated to J.S. Bach Two part inventions. The point is that we can discover them and go deeper into them together, and motivate each other in the prosess of learning and practicing them. 

Who is this for? This is for everyone who wants to join! 
What's the goal? You define your own goal, with how much you want to learn. But try to commit to learn 1, 2, 3, or how many you like. Share your goal with the rest of us! 

Why learn two and three part inventions? In Bach's own words (of course translated to english) "Honest method, by which the amateurs of the keyboard – especially, however, those desirous of learning – are shown a clear way not only (1) to learn to play cleanly in two parts, but also, after further progress, (2) to handle three obligate parts correctly and well; and along with this not only to obtain good inventions (ideas) but to develop the same well; above all, however, to achieve a cantabile style in playing and at the same time acquire a strong foretaste of composition."

Some recording links on Spotify: 

Glenn Gould


András Schiff


Resources on Tonebase: Magdalena Stern-Baczewska Course: Intro to J. S. Bach’s Keyboard Music


Ben Laude Live session: Bach Invention No. 1: Analysis for Performers


For everyone joining: Please make a post of your personal goals threw this journey. Remember every goal is fine! I hope participants will share video-updates regularly, so we can follow each others progress! 

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  • My personal goal for this journey is to be a better Bach player, and be more confident when playing and learning Bach. I have played very little Bach so I’m not used to handle multiple voices in this manner, but by the end of this journey i hope that have changed. Also, of course, it's great to learn these pieces for its own sake, as it is beautiful music.  

    My initial thought was to learn all of them, but I have modified that goal a little because I will rather aim for quality then quantity. However, I’m hoping to present one new invention a week witch brings a total of nine. Looking forward to the journey, and curious of how it will go! 

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    • Roy
    • Royhj
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Thank you for making this group Sindre Skarelven !!

    My general goal for joining is that I love Bach's music, even if he saw these as only pedagogical pieces :) and I want to learn playing counter point with as much as possible independence between the hands.

    For now I will only set a short term practical goal of learning the first invention. I do love most of them (especially the minor ones), but I'm not sure if I can play them at all... so I'll set the next goal after completing the first.

    I like the idea of a timeline. So I'll aim to perform No. 1 by next Sat (Aug 6th), forcing me to move on no matter the level I reach (hope it's not too aggressive a timeline for me).

    Really looking forward to see the learning path of everyone here on these pieces 🙂

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    • Roy Sound good, Roy! Very wise to have a short-term goal. Looking forward to see how it goes! 

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    • Juan Carlos Olite
    • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
    • Juan_Carlos
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Absolutely delighted and grateful with your project, Sindre, as I said to you. I love Bach music and play it every day. I don't think I will be able to learn all of them, so my goal is enjoying every single Bach note in a good handful of them. Many, many thanks for your initiative. And let's go for it 😊!! 

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    • Juan Carlos Olite So glad you are joining this journey! To play Bach daily is something I also want to do. Your goal is the best we can have, to enjoy every Bach-note we play 😊🎶 

  • I'd really like to participate. About 4 years ago I made a project of learning all of the 2-part inventions, but they didn't stick with me completely, so it would be good to refresh my memory. I am thinking what I could do is every week rework one or two and throw up a video, if that's okay (and if I can get disciplined enough to do it!).

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    • Harriet Kaplan That's great, Harriet! Looking forward to videos! 

  • Just found one more beautiful recording to add to the list: Simone Dinnerstein also recorded all of the 2- and 3-part inventions (available on Spotify). You might like to check these out too.

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  • Is it okay if I just start here in the practice diary chat? Here are my recordings of the C-major and C-minor Inventions. Not perfect… still mistakes… 😩but if I don’t start now I will not get through them in time. So here we go!

    Like 10
    • Andrea Buckland Sounds great Andrea!

    • Vidhya Bashyam thanks, Vidhya!

    • Andrea Buckland both the inventions are sounding good!

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    • Natalie Peh many thanks, Natalie! 

      • Juan Carlos Olite
      • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
      • Juan_Carlos
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Andrea Buckland Sounds great, Andrea! Your encourage us to follow your example. What beautiful the second invention is!

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    • Juan Carlos thanks, Juan  Carlos! and yes, the c-minor one is just amazing, one of my favorites. I don’t think there is even one note written by Bach that is not a blessing to mankind.

      • Juan Carlos Olite
      • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
      • Juan_Carlos
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Andrea Buckland Completely agree 🙂!

    • Andrea Buckland Lovely playing, Andrea! Yes, That c-minor invention is a beauty.  

    • Juan Carlos Olite
    • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
    • Juan_Carlos
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Sounds great, Andrea! Your encourage us to follow your example. What beautiful the second invention is!

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  • Here is my take on the C-minor invention. It is a beauty, and I think it does a good job with educating the mind with to keep track of two separate voices (I'm guessing that's the job of all the inventions...:)) I will keep playing it, and think of how I can get it more secure in my memory. Next up, D-minor! 

    Like 12
    • Sindre Skarelven Sounds amazing! It is fun and challenging to memorize Bach! A good exercise for the brain. Hope to have my d-minor uploaded in the next couple of days. 

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      • Roy
      • Royhj
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Sindre Skarelven beautiful

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      • Juan Carlos Olite
      • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
      • Juan_Carlos
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Sindre Skarelven What a wonderful start with your inventions playing. Of course it is an extraordinary job to play Bach and try to keep in mind the whole picture, with these two voices in action...  Bravo, Sindre! I will try to upload a video this weekend 🤔, I hope so..., 

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    • Sindre Skarelven Fantastic,Sindre! You play it so beautifully! And memorized! Especially with Bach this is extremely difficult for me. Bravo!

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    • Vidhya Bashyam  Roy  Juan Carlos Olite Andrea Buckland Thank you everyone!! Looking forward to your posts!! 😄🎶

    • Sindre Skarelven that sounds very beautiful, and all memorised too!

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