Week 1 Taking it easy: find your moderate tempo!
Hello and welcome to the WEEK ONE Main Thread for this challenge!
Alright everyone - this is the thread where we'll all be posting our daily updates.
Make sure you've read the rules before replying (<- click)
Twice a week between December 12-18 I hope to be reading your daily updates in this very thread right here!
Here is this week's assignment!
1. Figure out your moderate tempo! Write down the numerical values approx. that you are shooting for! (top tempo, slow tempo, and moderate tempo).
2. Submit a video of your practice at this moderate tempo!
Here goes...Balakirev's transcription of Glinka's The Lark from Farewell to St Petersburg song collection. Just about memorised it and hope to get it all under my fingers next week. The main challenge is how to maintain consistent unbroken long running lines and keep a clear melody above everything else.
Thanks to Dominic Cheli for his help with the microphone, I now have a more proper arrangement!! It is always a spiritual experience for me, with Chopin. And it is like a prayer. If you notice, at 3 minutes and 13 seconds, a helper comes along with a personal message, just for you. Thanks for listening. xx +