General Live Stream Suggestions! (Megathread)
Hi everyone!
This is Dominic, head of piano live at tonebase!
Let's use this thread as a place for any general live stream suggestions you might have that don't warrant an entirely new thread.
Examples may include:
- topics we should cover in future live streams
- new live stream format ideas
- people we should try to bring on as guests
- anything else you would like to see on tonebase LIVE!
If you'd rather start a new thread for an individual person or topic suggestion, feel free to do that too!
We will use this thread as a place to centralize suggestions, but feel free to suggested these in individual threads, if you prefer.
Happy posting!
I would really like an in depth investigation about the topic of mental practice. Both at the piano, for example to alleviate overusing your hands as an injury prevention, and away from the piano, for example to be able to learn music faster. And also using mental practice as preparation for live performance.
I think there are a lot of interesting ideas to talk about here.
A big thank you for this amazing site. I am an amateur pianist who is returning to the piano after many years. I would greatly appreciate some lessons on playing double thirds, double sixths and double octaves especially in keys other than C major - fingerings, tips to play legato, tips to speed up etc. I am also struggling with Chromatic scales in double major/minor 3rd/6th. I would love lessons on Rachmaninov's Elegie Op 3 No 1 and The Lark by Glinka/Balakirev as I am currently working on these two.
Many thanks!
I wonder about tone colors.
Music pieces have different characters which need to express with different tone colors. ex. Imitate other instrument sound...also just various tone colors like mozart piano sonata sound vs Beethoven..
I wonder how to produce different tone colors through piano in details. ex. how to make woodwind sound through piano..
Also I wonder how to overcome
Performance anxiety as many ways as possible.
Appreciate it
Hi! First of all, thanks a lot for creating such a great forum! I’m an adult beginner who learned piano for just about 3 years. I had no former music / instrument at all. When I followed all the method books now, I found the most difficult part is to how to find the repertoire that suits my level quickly. There are so many composers I love out there: Bach, Mozart, Brahms, Beethoven, Mendelssohn… I wonder if we can have some repertoire recommendations sessions to recommend / comment on repertoires for beginners/ intermediate / advanced players, breaking down by composers, styles, or certain techniques. This can be live streams or master forum discussions too? We also have so many wonderful people on this platform already who has different experience learning piano and who may have different takes too on repertoire recommendations as well!
Not so much a suggestion for a live stream topic, more of a request about how the site works regarding live streams.
I tend to watch the recordings of live streams after the event, but have noticed that they do not show up in the "Completed" section of the Dashboard, or anywhere else, as far as I can see.
Could there be a way to log which live streams we have already viewed, please? Just a simple "Watched" flag would be enough.
Thank you.
Hi Dominic! Hope to have a Live Stream session on piano transcriptions on Opera/Ballet music for example Casta Diva (Thalberg) Lakme, Ballet from Orpheus and Eurydice (Gluck/Sgambati), Ave Maria (Caccini)
With regards to time, it starts at 2am for me so it's ok(I'm in Singapore) . I'm an owl! All creative people sleep really late haha!!
I've been wanting a bit more on theory. I think it would be nice to have information on Sonata structures or other kinds of structures we should know about. I think it would help my memorization of pieces to understand structure, and to understand the different kinds of MODULATIONS that occur. I'm always wondering "what key am I in now?" I think if I had a good foundation with this knowledge I might be able to cover more material. I'm a very slow learner and want to be more efficient.
Hi Dominic, at the wonderful community concert today you mentioned having a session on recording/zooming/audio techniques. I’d find that super helpful, even though I don’t often share my playing online. On those few occasions when I’ve used my iPhone or iPad to make videos or audio recordings to upload on YouTube for Tonebase events, the sound was horrific and handling of the video (even the most modest editing) was difficult. I’d like to be able to record/video my playing for my own use in studying. I’d love to hear your suggestions about techniques, software and equipment (for those on a small budget who don’t want to turn their living room into Muscle Shoals). You display awesome facility in handling glitch-free, complex live presentations with multiple video and audio feeds. Those skills would be useful to all live participants in ToneBase and those who might partake of remote piano lessons too.
Hi Dominic,
Could there be a presentation on collaborative piano? My son's new teacher is in the PhD program for collaborative piano at LSU, which is why I thought of this. It seems that many members play in chamber groups, and others might want to play 4-hands pieces or perhaps be able to accompany singing - are there any hints or best practices to aid us in "playing well with others?"
How about a livestream with Dr. Molly Gebrian? She just published a new book: Learn Faster, Perform Better: A Musician’s Guide to the Neuroscience of Practicing. Pretty awesome stuff. Lots of great advice on practicing, backed up with research.
She has a website: https://www.mollygebrian.com/