Penelope Roskell: Developing a Healthy Technique (Apr 27)
Join Penelope Roskell for an in-depth workshop on developing a healthy, and sustainable technique!
Find the start time in your time zone by clicking the photo or following this event link:
We are going to be using this thread to gather suggestions and questions!
- What questions do you have on this topic?
- Any particular area you would like me to focus on?
Star of tonebase's 'The Pillars of Piano Technique' series, Penelope Roskell returns for a follow-up interview and workshop, hosted by Head of Piano Ben Laude. Roskell will go into more depth on how to confront and conquer specific technical challenges found in the repertoire, with a mix of prepared and viewer-requested excerpts.
Hi Ben, Dominic and Penelope!
I would like to ask for some tips on how to best perform and practice trills. Would you recommend having the ability to trill with every pair of fingers? My 4-5 trill is to slow, since I rarely use it or practice it, but sometimes it would definitely be an advantage.
Also, is there any material you would recommend to develop good technique? That be technical exercises, etudes or pieces.
Thank you,
Hi Sindre ,
I'll pose your question about trill fingerings to Penelope, today. Thank you!
Regarding material for developing a good technique, that might be a bit broad for today's livestream. But I would start with Roskell's Pillars series on tonebase, and the technique training labs that go with them, if you haven't watched already. After that, there's a lot to explore, both in terms of technical manuals, exercises, etc. It depends on what your goals are at the instrument. Perhaps we can find our way to the topic of "further practice materials" in the Q&A towards the end of the stream.
Great show today! For those who didn't see in the chat, here's a link to the Jean-Jacques Eigeldinger book "Chopin: Pianist and Teacher."
Also, here's a link to Penelope's other book, the Art of Piano Fingering, where she elaborates more on ergonomic scale and arpeggio fingerings.
Enjoy! -
I really had hoped to make it today for a bit during my prep, but was called to sub. I recently received my copy of "The Complete Pianist" and have read a bit over my spring break. She recommended reading cover to cover, so I have to chunk it in bites - I am off to watch the recording now. SO glad they are archived! :-)