Quick Tips: Trills!
Today let's talk about quick tips for getting your trills faster and more confident! Most importantly, let's talk about your thumb and how it can sometimes save the day!
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We are going to be using this thread to gather suggestions and questions!
- What questions do you have on this topic?
- Any particular area you would like me to focus on?
Hi, Dominic! And all! I was able to join today for a portion of the lesson. I am rewatching the lesson now. I love the analogy you gave, Dominic, about standing still vs. walking around and how that is analogous to trills. Makes sense!
Varieties of speed in trills - even within trills themselves...very interesting.
Shaping trills - to give the impression there is more "spinning" going on. Yes, I hear that.
Dealing with groups of three is less "alarm bell" sounding...Brahms preferred groups of three. Fascinating.
Trills need not always be fast. LIstening to you play Bach with varied speed of trills is gorgeous. It has much more character and fullness.
Peter Frankl's thought of fast trills sounding like a bumble bee (annoying) in slow music is insightful. Later in the lesson you speak of the trills "buzzing". :D
What a difference the pedal makes with trills!
I look forward to hearing more of that Liszt piece you're working on - "La Romanesca"!
Different speeds in the different hands, too.
Thank you, Dominic! Thank you, everyone, for the questions, too!