Music YOU composed Watch Party!

Join us today to celebrate all of your compositions that you have composed!

They could be from our recent "Four week intensive" with Dr. Antonella Di Giulio, or even a piece that you composed a while ago!


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  • In addition to "Meanderoni" which I notated in Sibelius as it developed, I also wanted to share an older piece which IS me actually playing an original piece. This one was first fully composed at the piano and then I went back and notated it. My timing could be better!

      • Letizia
      • Letizia
      • 11 mths ago
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      Mary Mathews Hi! I'll reply to the private message you sent me about my stuff.

      Now, let me compliment you: your "Down the Path" transported me into a Star Wars movie! So evocative! 🌞😎✌🏻

    • Mary Mathews So interesting chord changes! Very beautifully and intriguing music. Well done! 

    • Sindre Skarelven  

      Thank you, Sindre!

  • Thanks, Letizia! And thank you for the other info you sent too. :)

    Like 1
  • Here is a composition of mine for the Watch Party. It's called The Last Dance. 

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      • Michelle R
      • Michelle_Russell
      • 11 mths ago
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      Sindre Skarelven This is beautiful, Sindre! There's joy and nostalgia and some bittersweetness. Absolutely lovely!

      Like 2
    • Michelle R Thank you so much, Michelle! 

  • My Tonebase Composition Workshop Piece. (

    This was from the workshop with Antonella. I was going to record it again, without our dog barking, but I just can't. I can't even listen to my piece now. I loved doing it, but I now want to get as far away from the piece as I can.

    Does anyone else feel that way?

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 11 mths ago
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      Richard Littlewood Our little group intended to improve our piece but we ran out of time, and,

      perhaps, inspiration. 😂

    • Gail Starr I liked your piece Gail! I was using it for warm up before looking at mine. But I played it in the major key from the beginning. I didn't like the pause you put in the middle to be honest...

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 11 mths ago
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      Richard Littlewood I know what you mean about the pause, LOL!  Since 4 of us wrote it together, we weren’t sure how to link all the parts together.  So, we “paused” after one person’s work and just started again. 😂

  • Here is my first piece I wrote for the Four week intensive. I didn't expect to, but I really enjoyed the process.
    Thank you, Tonebase, for this opportunity,  and special thank you to Antonella Di Giulio

    • Nataliia Konkina You did such a fantastic job! Keep writing your own music!

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    • Nataliia Konkina What a beautiful piece of music! Great work! 

    • Sid
    • 11 mths ago
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    Hey everyone. Here's my piece "Primordial Catharsis" that I composed last year.

    This composition explores the theme of "catharsis". Catharsis is a profound and often therapeutic emotional experience that can be found in various forms of art, such as literature, theatre, and music. It involves the release of pent-up emotions and inner turmoil through the powerful resonance of creative expression. Hope you enjoy it :)


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    • Sid Bravo, Sid! I love these dissonant chords and rhythmic motives, with also some beautiful chord changes, put together in a very stylish form. Very well done! Great playing by the pianist too. 

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      • Sid
      • 11 mths ago
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      Sindre Skarelven thank you so much! 

    • Marc M
    • Amateur piano enthusiast
    • Marc_M
    • 11 mths ago
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    Here's what I've got. I added some random text commentary here and there in the video, for fun's sake (like Nahre Sol, except not as good haha). Also, my 1.5 year old was romping around during the recording session, sometimes making me nervous, and limiting the number of re-takes I could do. Really, I need more time to get the piece in my fingers, but I think this was a decent stab at it given the deadline.

    I modified the piece a bit from what I wrote...will need to update the score later. Thank you, Antonella, for leading a great course!

    Like 3
    • Marc M Great work and great video of this theme and variations! Very enjoyable all of it. 

      • Marc M
      • Amateur piano enthusiast
      • Marc_M
      • 11 mths ago
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      Sindre Skarelven Thanks, Sindre!

    • Marc M I love Nahre, and this is awesome!!

  • Here is the audio for my "finished" piece, Duolingo: German, French, and Italian. This has been so much fun. I've really enjoyed listening to everyone's pieces!

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    • Edward Gonzalez  fascinating piece, Edward.  Those are the three languages I’ve done or am doing on Duolingo, so it was great fun. 

    • Beth Lester Thank you so much, Beth! It's great that I'm not alone on my Duolingo odyssey! Everybody's pieces were great and so enjoyable to listen to!

  • I am blown away by all the talent…piano playing, composition & even video graphics.  I’m still toodling along on mine, but y’all are inspiring!!

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