The tonebase Manhattan piano intensive Discussion Corner!

Hey Everyone!

I wanted to start this thread as a discussion place for the upcoming tonebase Manhattan piano intensive!

  • When? November 4th - November 13th
  • Where? Opera America in the heart of Manhattan
  • Who? Pianists and music lovers of all ages and levels!

This 10 day event will feature:

- Private Lessons

- Workshops

- Masterclasses

- Daily Lunchtime with artist-faculty

- tonebase merchandise!


Some of the noteworthy workshops with special guests include:


•  Stephen Hough will lead a Masterclass Clinic, with a focus on tackling your most challenging passages and helping you overcome them.


•  Edna Golandsky, the founder of the Golandsky Institute, dedicated to the Taubman Approach to piano playing, will be working with participants to unlock your full pianistic potential through private lessons, workshops, and â€œBring a question, Get a solution!”sessions.


•  Sara Davis Buecher will invite you to the “School of Virtuosity” - one of the most popular courses on tonebase currently. Sara will lead workshops that delve deeper into this incredible wealth of technical excellence!


•  Other workshops feature “Chopin Etude Training” with Marina Lomazov, “A Comprehensive Guide to Bach and Scarlatti” with Magdalena Baczewska, and events with super virtuosos: Vadym Kholodenko and Jeffrey Biegel!


•  Additionally, don't miss the discussion about all things piano, music, and life with legendary piano couple: Jerome Lowenthal and Ursula Oppens!


•  For Premium participants, you are invited to be featured in the public Biofeedback Analysis sessions with Dr. Kathleen Riley to help address postural issues, injury prevention/recovery, anxieties around performance, general body and breathing awareness, and more!


Private Teaching from Dominic Cheli, Dr. Noah Hardaway, Edna Golandsky, Magdalena Stern-Baczewska, Sara Davis Buechner, Dr. Kathleen Riley.


Guest artists: Stephen Hough, Vadym Kholodenko, Anne-Marie McDermott, Jeffrey Biegel, Jerome Lowenthal, Ursula Oppens.


Session 1 (November 4-8th)

Teachers and Masterclasses include:

Magdalena Stern-Baczewska: Bach + Scarlatti Lecture and Private lessons

Jeffrey Biegel: Masterclass and private lessons

Vadym Kholodenko: Masterclass

Anne-Marie McDermott: Masterclass and chamber music guidance

Dominic Cheli: Private Lessons

Dr. Noah Hardaway: Private Lessons

Sara Davis Buechner: "School of Virtuosity" Workshops

Edna Golandsky: Taubman Approach workshops and lessons

Dr. Kathleen Riley: Biofeedback Analysis


Session 2 (November 9-13th)

Teachers and Masterclasses include:

Stephen Hough: RCNM clinic-style masterclass

Marina Lomazov: Masterclass and Private Lessons

Jerome Lowenthal: Legacy lecture

Ursula Oppens: Legacy Lecture

Dominic Cheli: Private Lessons

Dr. Noah Hardaway: Private Lessons

Sara Davis Buechner: "School of Virtuosity" Workshops

Edna Golandsky: Taubman Approach workshops and lessons

Dr. Kathleen Riley: Biofeedback Analysis


Signup here!


What are you most excited about in this upcoming intensive?

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  • Hi Jack, glad to hear you are coming to the Intensive, but also sorry I won’t get to see you and hear you play. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the New York experience. 

    Like 1
    • Kakie Roberts I hope to see you, Dominic Cheli and Noah Alden Hardaway today. I think Jun is coming too. I saw him at the Daniil Trifonov concert at Carnegie on 10/17.


      Jack vreeland and Randi hope to see you again this summer. Good luck with all the new music you're learning.

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      • Randi
      • Randi
      • 4 mths ago
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      Fides Cutiongco enjoy Manhattan! Can't wait to hear about it. Yes, hope to see you all in Adamant! 🎶 

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    • Fides Cutiongco it was so good to see you today, Fides!!

      • Jack vreeland
      • Retired marketing and design firm owner.
      • Jack_vreeland
      • 4 mths ago
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      Fides Cutiongco Great to hear from you. I'm very excited to take part in week 2 in NYC. I saw Daniil Trifonov at Tanglewood a year or two ago. He is great. 

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  • Good morning, everyone. I just found this NYT article while waiting for my train to Manhattan today:

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    • Ken Locke
    • Hanon survivor
    • Ken_Locke
    • 3 mths ago
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    Hey everyone, 


    I would have loved to go to the Manhattan intensive just to reconnect with the folks I met in Adamant, let alone the fantastic program. Unfortunately, work etc.... So it will have to be the next version for me.


    However I am still inspired by everything I learned in Vermont, so not really having a pity party!!


    Would love to hear about this event and how it all turned out. 

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      • Noah Alden Hardaway
      • tonebase Assistant Head of Piano
      • Noah_Hardaway
      • 3 mths ago
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      Hey Ken Locke ! It would have been great to see you there. We had a blast: fantastic teaching, great friendships, beautiful playing. Looking forward to the next occasion - will keep you updated!

      • Jack vreeland
      • Retired marketing and design firm owner.
      • Jack_vreeland
      • 3 mths ago
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      Ken Locke Hi Ken, 

      The NYC event was incredible. I was so glad I was able to attend. Very different ambiance from VT but another great group of people from all over the world. Lessons with Noah, Dominic, and Sarah were deeply insightful, as was attending so many lessons. Master Classes were all excellent. The final concert on the Yamaha concert grand was a joy. The house concert with Nicolas Namoradze performing Scriabin with lights and wine paired to the pieces was worth the trip alone. And meeting Stephen Hough wan an honor.  I look forward to the next offering. For me, this is a really deeply helpful and enjoyable way to make progress at many levels. 

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