Week 3: Progress Check!
For this challenge "A Fresh Start" the goal is to pick a BRAND-NEW piece to work on this month.
This is the time to finally open that score that you have been thinking about and get to work!
1. Let's share how our practice is going by posting a video, or writing some comments about our past week!
2. Practice your piece!
Hi, I'm submitting my progress on Chopin's two Nocturnes, Op. 55.
I'm currently going back to basics to not apply too much rubato for now, and working on consolidating the notes. For the following couple of weeks, I got to continue doing the same thing but start being more flexible on rubato and work on stories I'd wish to convey.
Hey guys!
Continued my work on the Prelude, wrapped up memorizing/learning all the notes.
Still need to work on the inner voices of that middle section - really amazing counterpoint!
Also, I have been experimenting with the ending. It is very interesting because Rachmaninoff DOES write "pp, leggiero" but I recently heard a very compelling performance by Lugansky where he plays the ending more "Brusquely" I would say.
Just wanted to try out this idea. But this coming week I am going to experiment with playing it more so as Rachmaninoff wrote.
To be blunt, after the massive energy created in this Prelude, it is difficult to relinquish that incredible drive over a very short amount of time, (8 bars) from the end. But these questions are why this piece remains a work in progress for me!