Public Space for Improve your Arpeggios with Claire Huangci!

Let Your Fingers Fly with Claire Huangci!

First step, scales, second step, arpeggios! As a young student, I found myself struggling to deal with arpeggios due to the flexibility needed in so many parts of the body, fingers, wrists, arms and even shoulders. Playing piano suddenly became a much more physical activity! However, after finding the right way to ‘lock in’ to each key, and letting your motoric memory take over, I found arpeggios one of the most enjoyable technical aspects of piano playing! Dazzle yourself with the rolling waves under your fingers!

Improve your Arpeggios in Two Weeks with Claire Huangci!

  • Sign-Up Period: August 11 - 14
  • Course Period: August 15 - 26


Submit a video containing the following assignments:

1. Try out the pattern of arpeggios going up, contrary, up, down, contrary, down in all the major and minor keys and take a video of the keys that caused the most difficulties. And ask any fingering questions you might have!

2. In the Joseffy exercises, it’s a very extensive collection of various arpeggio exercises. Try to read through and transpose some of them during your practice session. And then pick one specific pattern which you found the most effective and record it for us to have an open dialog where we exchange ideas and comments.

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  • 2 yrs agoLast active
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