Sindre's practice diary

Hello to you, and welcome to my diary! Here I will share different types of pieces that I'm working on. 


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  • I want to share one of my own compositions called The Escape. I thought it was fitting with what's happening in Ukraine, and I would like to dedicate it to Ukrainians and others driven from their homes. Piece and love to all 鉂わ笍馃檹

    Like 9
    • Sindre Skarelven Thank you for this lovely piece!

      Like 1
    • Ching Lee Goh You are welcome, thank you so much 鉂わ笍

    • Sindre Skarelven Grymt bra, Sindre!

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    • Jarkko Janhunen Tusen takk, Jarkko!

    • Denise
    • Educator
    • Denise
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Beautiful playing Sindre!

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    • Denise Thank you so much, Denise! 

  • Just wanted to share one of my compositions today. This one I call the Dream. It will be part of my piano-album I hope to record later this year. Thanks for listening :) 

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    • I love it! Beautiful!

      Sindre Skarelven 

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    • Andrea Buckland I'm glad to hear that, Andrea! Thank you so much! 

  • I'm gonna play some more jazz-arrangements this late-summer/fall. Here is a quick one I did on a tune called But Beautiful by Burke/van Heusen arranged by Brent Edstrom. 

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    • Sindre Skarelven this is quite lovely, Sindre!

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    • Natalie Peh Thank you, Natalie :) 

      • Roy
      • Royhj
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Sindre Skarelven That's beautiful :) Are you working on improv too?

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    • Roy Yes, Roy! I will share some improv too! 

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      • Roy
      • Royhj
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Sindre Skarelven worlds colliding here for me, but looking forward to hear it :)

    • Juan Carlos Olite
    • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
    • Juan_Carlos
    • 2 yrs ago
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    It's extraordinary your versatility, Sindre. I have just seen your latest videos.  A complete Musician, Bravo. Beautiful and hypnotic The Dream. 

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    • Juan Carlos Olite Thank you so much, Juan Carlos! Yes, diversity is my speciality! 馃幎

  • Here's a recording I just did of a piece called Close your eyes by Bernice Petkere. It's in one of the jazz piano solos book by Hal leonard (can'r remember which one at the moment) . It's marked slow bossa, but feels very much like a tango. I took a few liberties on the arrangement to expand it a bit on the piano. 馃幑馃幎

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    •  Sindre Skarelven beautiful playing! The rhythm has such a pleasant and gentle lilt to it. I enjoyed listening to this very much.

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    • Natalie Peh Thank you, Natalie! I'm glad you liked it! I like the rhythm here too, it's quite alluring. 

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  • Here is a recording I did of the piece I played in the community concert yesterday. Seascape - by J. Mandel, arranged by Bill Evans. PS: The picture is from Riomaggiore - Italy. A beautiful place, with this gorgeous view.  

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      • Juan Carlos Olite
      • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
      • Juan_Carlos
      • 1 yr ago
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      Sindre Skarelven Extraordinary Sindre! How well you understand different kinds of music and styles! Amazing. Bravo! 

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    • Juan Carlos Olite Thank you so much, Juan Carlos! I just love so many styles of music 馃槉馃幎

    • Sindre Skarelven thanks ever so much for sharing the video.. I'm so glad I get to hear you play after all, as I couldn't make it for the concert! Beautiful playing as always, I love how you get such a wonderful tone, and love it that the video is in black and white! 

      Like 1
    • Natalie Peh Thank you so much, Natalie! I'm glad you liked it! 

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