Week 1: Kickoff! Start Improvising with F-E-D

Welcome to the first week of "Imagination on the Piano: Improvising Classically with George Ko"!
This is the thread for posting the submissions and assignments for the first week. Watch the first Livestream to learn more about the Week One Assignments!
This underrated, rarely utilized chord progression in the traditional classical repertoire unlocks the entire world of improvisation. See how just 3 chords can get you improvising instantly with the piano knowledge you already have.
Week One Assignment
Watch the first Livestream! Share a quick 20-30s improv using the chords F, E, and D (all qualities, Major, Minor, Major 7th, welcome!). Just use your iPhone to record, and remember, all mistakes welcome! (This is a safe space!)
OK here is my posting based on George's Week 1 request. I stick mostly to the chords Fmaj7-Em7-Dm7 as suggested, but I step back up to Em7 before getting back to Fmaj7 to restart the progression, because the motif seemed to demand that. the tonality is mostly E-based Phrygian mode, but in deference to my question about the key, I conclude in C major, without much advance warning! (P.S. this is the same thing I posted on the FAQ thread)
Hi Everyone! Looking forwarrd to the 2nd workshop in just a few hours! I'm sorry I didn't get a notification from all your lovely posts! Reading through the thread now, just lovely playing everyone! Stay tuned for specific replies :)
Also, quick note today, we're going to go a little bit more in the history of improvising, why we used to do it, and why we stopped :( and why we're going to change the classical music scene and do it again :) we're going to look at techniques and borrow from our favorite classical composers, and as always, ask any questions you may have!