How to start a piece, phrase, or passage properly!

Today Dominic talks about the proper way to start any piece, phrase or passage with universal tips for any musician! Learn about how to have a great start, and always get off "on the right foot" as you play your music!


Follow this event link to tune in!


We are going to be using this thread to gather suggestions and questions!                                                                                

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    • NANCY M
    • 7 mths ago
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    Perfect timing for me as I'm beginning to study a Shubert sonata this week, as well as a few dances in Bach's first Partita in B flat. Sadly, I have a conflict at that time :( I'm hoping I will be able to view it afterwards. I've heard it recommended (perhaps it was you Dominic) to begin the memory process early on, but I notice I think I get bogged down with detail and that slow my learning. On the other hand...
    It's all in finding the right balance so I'm looking for advice.

    thank you!!!

    Like 1
    • Adriana López
    • Concertist in the making
    • Adriana_Lopez
    • 7 mths ago
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    This is great! 

    I’m studying the Nocturne op.48 no.1 of Chopin. And although I already have the notes and started to play both hands together….


    I’m curious on how would you start phrasing or even how would you start studying this piece.


    I’m interested in knowing, specially the recapitulation of the theme since… it’s all about the balance and I’m having trouble with it.


    Thank you! <3

    • cdales
    • cdales
    • 6 mths ago
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    I played, or rather tried to play, a Scriabin etude (Op 42, No 4) in front of a large masterclass last week. I had prepared it quite thoroughly, although it was not memorized. I got off to a bad start from which I really never recovered, leaving the impression that I couldn't play the piece at all! The professor leading the class was very kind, but this was a humiliating experience that I want to prevent from happening again.

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    • Grace
    • Grace
    • 6 mths ago
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    How do you approach a piece that no teacher that you have access to has ever taught, that there is no tutorial or course on it, and all you might have is a MP3 and a barely legible score, and part of it is left to improvisation?

    • Dagmar
    • always curious
    • Dagmar
    • 6 mths ago
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    Just watched the recording. This was very interesting, thank you. Many of the mentioned things on how to start learning a piece I use to be doing already because they really work for me. To find them confirmed, and also have some interesting thoughts and aspects added by Dominic is really great!


    I will especially keep the note about interleaving practise in mind!

    • Hadrien C
    • Hadrien_C
    • 6 mths ago
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    Hello ! I wanted to watch the recording but it seems that the VOD was replaced by the masterclass by Jared Dunn !

    Like 1
    • Hadrien C Sorry!

      Had a technical problem and am updating this now.

      should be back to normal now!

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