Chopin's Ballades with Jarred Dunn (an interactive class!)

Join us today as Jarred Dunn discusses the iconic Ballades of Chopin, and even get the special opportunity to play one of them for him for feedback!


Follow this event link to tune in!



We are going to be using this thread to gather suggestions and questions!                                                                                

  • What questions do you have on this topic?
  • Any particular area you would like me to focus on?
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  • Comment below if you have a ballade by Chopin that you would like to play for Jared! 

  • Hi Dominic:


    sorry that I was not able to do Ballade 3 last time, but I’ve brushed that piece up and performed a few times. I’d like to play Chopin Ballade 3 for Jarred this time.

    Like 1
    • Yuchao Zhou You will play! Thank you

    • Yuchao Zhou Could you confirm if you can play? Thanks!


    • Dominic Cheli yes I can play

  • I would love to play Chopin’s ballade No.2 although I’m still learning the music and not at a performance level yet. 

    • Yolanda
    • Yolanda
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    I played chopin ballade op38 no 2  when i was at university .  I am reviewing it again these days .  what is your practice tips or learning advices about the slow opening introduction ( how to play it legato with the same notes repeat) and the presto con fuoco parts .  I like this piece and it is fun

  • I'm absolutely obsessed with Ballad no 4, op 52 in F minor, and look forward to any discussion of that piece.  Dominic Cheli - Will this session be recorded? I'm afraid that I can only make the first hour do to a doctor's appointment so I'll have to jump off an hour into the class. 

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    • Blair Boone-Migura recorded yes!!

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    • Yolanda
    • Yolanda
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    yes.  it would be great if there is a back up recording for us to view it again later

    Like 3
    • Yolanda there will be!

    • Keiko
    • keiko55
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Definitely Ballade No. 4. I am practicing the piece forever! Unfortunately, I will be traveling and will have no piano at the location but will appreciate if there can be a discussion about the piece, especially regarding how to develop the piece toward the coda.

  • Me too. I shall be away at that time. thanks. 

  • Hi Dominic, 


    I won't be able to attend unfortunately at that time. Have played and videorecorded Ballade #1 some time ago. If the session is recorded would love to get feedback from Jarred. Obviously priority to live performance. 



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  • Hello everyone!  I have been working on the g minor for about five months.  I acknowledge that it is above my level (9) and requires a massive amount of musicianship.  Still, I feel that I am improving and learning — except in one predictable hot spot: measure 216.  While I am trying to bring out the gorgeous, angst-y line in the thumb, I cannot play faster than 165 bpm, which is vivace, not presto.  And nothing is really pushing me forward.  I’m just stuck.  (Pause here for a big thank-you to Dominic for the advice about Russian scale practicing, which has definitely helped with those last two terrifying g minor melodic runs up the keyboard.  YIKES.). Are there strategies that might help break this barrier at 216?  

  • It now looks as though I will be stuck in a meeting.  But if that is the case, I will DEFINITELY watch the replay.

    Like 1
    • Caroline Jarred responded to your question just so you know! around 40 minutes into the stream

    • Dominic Cheli Thank you so much for the heads up!

    • Dominic Cheli That was a PHENOMENAL workshop!  THANK YOU.  Jarred is fantastic.  And when he explained that the g minor coda was based on a krakowiak, there was a gigantic click in my brain -- as in: now I get it.  That was like finding a missing piece.  It would be fantastic if he'd do an Ask Me Anything.  Fingers crossed.

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  • - I'm open to presenting at least part of a Chopin Ballade:  no. 1 or 2.  

  • I'm working (painfully slowly!) on Ballade No 3 so I'd love to hear that one

  • Oops - clearly I didn't read this properly - I'd love advice on and would love to hear Ballade 3 - I'm not ready to play it yet🙄

  • And  yet again, no one answers my question. Twice now on Tonebase

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