Steve Goss: Rests, articulation, tempo, and rubato in Bach’s music
Tue Mar 22 2022 at 8 PM CET
Happy to welcome Prof. Steve Goss again! In this livestream, we shall look at four aspects of Bach interpretation.
- Firstly, how should we read Bach’s rests?
- Often his notation is very precise, particularly in regards to the lengths of bass notes, do we have to follow his rhythms precisely?
- We shall consider some issues of articulation, looking at a variety of note-lengths and accents (dynamic, tonal, and agogic).
- After that we shall consider issues of tempo and rubato, in relation to musical rhetoric and affect.
Let us know your question before this livestream, so we can include them into our conversation!
Here is Steve's presentation as a pdf and the link to the Spotify playlist!