Dottie's Practice Diary - Beginning Again

I feel like I'm beginning all over again.  I graduated with a BS in Music Education back in 1984.  I made a lot of progress during my program but was not able to continue taking lessons after I graduated from college.  Once I began working, my piano was severely neglected.  In 2005, I began to practice the pieces in Mikrokosmos by Bela Bartok.  Even though I worked my way through Books I to V, I still feel like my technique is not where it was when I was in college.

I watched "Russian Scales," by Dominic as well as "7 Practice Strategies," by Marina.  I have been implementing these strategies with the pieces I am currently working on.

The piece I am actively working on at the moment is Invention 4 by Bach.  I have had a lot of success using Marina's practice strategies; however, the trills continue to escape me.  While they have improved, I always find that when I reach the parts where the right-hand trills, and then the left hand, I always have to slow down.

The next piece that I have been working on is Valse Op 69 Nr 2 by Chopin.  I also played this piece in college and would like to be able to perform it one day in one of the tonebase concerts.  The section that gives me the most problems is where the key changes to B major.

Finally, I would also like to start working on the Sonate in F major K332 by Mozart.  I played the first section of this Sonate for my Freshman Jury (1979) and did very well.  This time I would like to learn the entire Sonate.

I would also like to begin working on Etude Op 25 No 2 by Chopin.

I really want to get my technique back, and then keep progressing and learning new pieces.  I really love classical music and want to keep learning.

I'm really looking forward to continuing my studies on tonebase piano.

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  • Hi Dottie! What a wonderful and interesting journey you have embarked on! Do reach out and also post any videos of your playing or questions you wish to discuss in this very friendly community! 


    Also do check out the thread on Bach's inventions which Sindre Sindre Skarelven started. Invention No. 4 is one of the more popular ones, and there are a few videos posted by some of the members for it!



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    • Dottie Lisa
    • Retail Manager in training
    • Dottie
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hi Natalie!  Thank you for your response and your suggestions.  I have attached two videos that I used my phone to record.  I hope you can view them.

    • Dottie Lisa hi! I can't find the videos you mentioned. Were they posted with your


    • Dottie Lisa
    • Retail Manager in training
    • Dottie
    • 1 yr ago
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    I thought they were.  Something must have gone wrong.

    I have to look into how to post videos.  It seems that I can't just post a video from my computer.  Do you have any suggestions of who might be able to help me with that in the tonebase community?

    Like 1
    • Dottie Lisa Perhaps try uploading your video to Youtube from the browser or app, then you can put the link from Youtube here. Hope that helps, but please let me know if you would like further clarification…..

    • Dottie Lisa so sorry, but I can't access the video- it says the video is unavailable. One thing you could check is whether the video is set to private? If it is, you can change it to unlisted or public

      • Dottie Lisa
      • Retail Manager in training
      • Dottie
      • 1 yr ago
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      Natalie Peh I think I finally figured it out.  Here are the videos.

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    • Dottie Lisa thanks for sharing your playing of this invention! This is such a lovely one. I had planned to play this one, but didn't get round to it.

      I'm glad you got the video posted up here. Look forward to seeing more of your videos, when you post them.

    • Denise
    • Educator
    • Denise
    • 1 yr ago
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    Welcome! :-) I had a similar lapse... I tool lessons until I was 18. Wanted to major in music, however my family had other input, so I joined the Navy! HAHAH! I went to school in my 30s and got my music degree, however, returning to play at age 33 after 15 years of not touching a piano was intimidating. It took a bit to get back on the horse, so to speak. I did manage to complete my bachelors when I was 36 :-)... I now teach private lessons at home (also a SPED teacher on campus), and continue to take lessons every two weeks with an amazing mentor so I can "keep my chops" up for my students.

    You will get your technique back!! my mentor has me working through Bartok's Mikrokosmos also! I never used it... great for building back up, mainly because a lot of it is so unfamiliar and they pieces are short.  I actually enjoy them. I did his Romanian Folk Dances for one of my Juries, so I really enjoy Bartok. 

    Keep at it... I vowed when I got my degree, I would never EVER be without a piano for 15 years!! 


    I look forward to hearing your playing.

    • Dottie Lisa
    • Retail Manager in training
    • Dottie
    • 1 yr ago
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    Denise, Thank you for your encouraging words.  This Practice Diary is ending up helping me to not become discouraged.

    • Judith M
    • Retired MBA/IT Director
    • Judith
    • 1 yr ago
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    Thanks for posting. This is an inspiration to me, let us know how things go. You sound great. 

      • Dottie Lisa
      • Retail Manager in training
      • Dottie
      • 1 yr ago
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      Judith Thank you so much.  I appreciate the encouragement.

    • Dottie Lisa
    • Retail Manager in training
    • Dottie
    • 1 yr ago
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    I moved on to Bach's Invention No. 8 in F Maj.  I picked this Invention because I studied it in college.  I felt challenged through one of the teachings to memorize it.  Through a variety of teachings that I watched I was able to compile a list of several memory techniques.  I even got to the point where I could practice the piece without looking at the music.  I also challenged myself by playing the piece before I turned the light on as well as playing it while standing up.  If I could do it fairly well, I know I'm on the right track.

    Attached is my recent attempt at recording myself playing the invention by memory.

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    • Dottie Lisa hi Dottie, you did a good job with this invention!

    • Dottie Lisa
    • Retail Manager in training
    • Dottie
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Thank you so much!

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