Tonebase Bach Stage

This thread is dedicated to J.S. Bach keyboard music. We would like to renew the inspiring spirit of the old thread "Group-Journey through J.S. Bach" based on the inventions and extend to the entire Bach repertoire: inventions, preludes, fugues, toccatas, dances of the Suites and Partitas...
This is for everyone who wants to join!
We can enjoy Bach music together and motivate each other in the process of learning and practicing it!
"I begin every day with Bach - usually for about an hour. I used to torture myself with Czerny, which of course wasn't exactly stimulating for the mind. On the other hand, it teaches you the fingering for a B flat major scale, chromatic thirds, and so on. The daily grind of learning. Later, I discovered that I could get my 'training' under way better with Bach - a refreshment for the body, soul and spirit". (András Schiff, Music Comes Out of Silence, p. 21)
Happy New Year to all. What better way to start fresh than by opening to page 1 of the Well Tempered Clavier? Here's my take on the Prelude in C Major from Book 1. I've added some commentary in the YouTube comments for those interested in such stuff. If you have any thoughts on the points raised there, I'd love to hear your thoughts please feel free to share, either here or there!
And here is the Fugue, again with some (un)learned commentary:
BTW there is a great Tonebase lesson on this pair by Evan Shinners, with some of his points referred to in a few places in my comments.
AND... while we're at it, what better way to close the book on last year than with the final Prelude and Fugue from Book 2?
Here's the B minor Prelude, again with some interminable commentary for you to ponder:
And what's a Prelude without a Fugue to follow?
In my trek through the WTC, I'm working my way inward from the perimeters, while also stopping occasionally to pick one from the middle. F# minor from book 2 coming next soon.