Tonebase Bach Stage

This thread is dedicated to J.S. Bach keyboard music. We would like to renew the inspiring spirit of the old thread "Group-Journey through J.S. Bach" based on the inventions and extend to the entire Bach repertoire: inventions, preludes, fugues, toccatas, dances of the Suites and Partitas...

This is for everyone who wants to join!

We can enjoy Bach music together and motivate each other in the process of learning and practicing it!


"I begin every day with Bach - usually for about an hour. I used to torture myself with Czerny, which of course wasn't exactly stimulating for the mind. On the other hand, it teaches you the fingering for a B flat major scale, chromatic thirds, and so on. The daily grind of learning. Later, I discovered that I could get my 'training' under way better with Bach - a refreshment for the body, soul and spirit". (András Schiff, Music Comes Out of Silence, p. 21)

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  • I’m relearning the prelude and fugue in A minor from the WTC II,  BWV 889 during the summer holidays: here’s a first recording of the prelude, so it is still work in progress. I hope to make a recording of the fugue by the end of the month. Best regards from Switzerland 😃🎹😃

    Like 5
    • Natalie Peh Dear Natalie, thank you for your kind words. 

    • Ursina Boehm So beautifully played!

      Like 1
    • Vidhya Bashyam thank you, dear Vidhya 😃

    • Juan Carlos Olite
    • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
    • Juan_Carlos
    • 3 wk ago
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    "It's one of the few in the whole set where my feeling of what's at the core of it is primarily a kind of an emotional image. I always get this image of two teenagers, young people at a dance, and they're dancing together for the first time. I just think one hand is one person and the other hand is another person. And they're kind of shy, they're just getting to know each other...". Beautiful image in the description of pianist Dan Tepfer (The Thirty Bach podcast, episode 4). Beautiful and really inspiring image to play and enjoy the seventh variation of the Bach's Goldberg Variations.

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    • Juan Carlos Olite Love the description of this variation. I totally see it in your beautiful interpretation!

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      • Marc M
      • Amateur piano enthusiast
      • Marc_M
      • 3 wk ago
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      Juan Carlos Olite Great work...I'd struggle to get that rising scale motif to be so consistently even!

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 3 wk ago
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      Juan Carlos Olite Your charming and giant personality shines through!

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    • Juan Carlos Olite I love that variation and your playing, Juan Carlos! 

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    • Juan Carlos Olite Beautiful dance like playing! This one has a nice tilt to it. One of my favorite variations in the set. 

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      • Juan Carlos Olite
      • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
      • Juan_Carlos
      • 3 wk ago
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      Vidhya Bashyam Marc M Gail Starr Andrea Buckland Sindre Skarelven 

      Thank you so much, my dear friends! You are so kind and friendly! This summer I listened to The Thirty Bach podcast by Lowry Yankwich. I think it's the third time I've done it and sincerely I don't know other classical musical podcast of this extraordinary quality. It's perfect to find in it the motivation to include some of the Goldbergs in this thread.

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 3 wk ago
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      Juan Carlos Olite I’m so impressed that you listened to Lowry’s podcast 3 times.  You are right, he did an AMAZING job!  Unfortunately, he doesn’t have time for podcasts right now because he is practicing law.  I hope he does another series whenever he has time!

    • Juan Carlos Olite Beautiful playing, Juan Carlos! Feels wonderful to wake up in the morning and your Goldberg variation is one of the first music I listen to. Thanks for the lovely treat!

    • Juan Carlos Olite that is such a wonderful variation! Bach’s music is just amazingly beautiful! Thanks also for sharing the description by The thirty Bach podcast. I will definitely check that out. Can’t wait for your next recording 😃

      • Juan Carlos Olite
      • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
      • Juan_Carlos
      • 2 wk ago
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      Natalie Peh Thank you, Natalie! I'm very glad you like it 🙂

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      • Juan Carlos Olite
      • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
      • Juan_Carlos
      • 2 wk ago
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      Ursina Boehm Thank you, Ursina. The thirty Bach..., I'm very sure it's worth it.

      Like 1
  • Hello everybody, I’ve recently posted a first recording of the prelude in A-Minor of the WTC II, BWV 889. Here is now my first recording of the fugue that goes with it. Still work in progress though. But my goal was to make a first recording by end of August. So here it is with all its imperfection 😃🎹😃


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    • Ursina Boehm Bravo Ursina! You have it very well in your fingers and mind! A great pleasure to listen to.

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    • Andrea Buckland oh thank you so much, Andrea. That is very encouraging! 

      • Juan Carlos Olite
      • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
      • Juan_Carlos
      • 2 wk ago
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      Ursina Boehm What a great playing, Ursina! Clear, very well articulated, beautiful Bach. Thanks for sharing!

    • Ursina Boehm well done, Ursina! You play it in such a lively way, with great articulation. 

    • Ursina Boehm That was amazing! So controlled and you bring out each voice so clearly. Bravo!

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    • Vidhya Bashyam Thank youvery much! Still working on it 😄

  • Hello Tonebase Bach Stage friends!

    Here's my submission of JS Bach's, Invention no. 4 in D minor! 

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    • Natalie Peh Natalie Peh beautiful 🤩! Very nice playing! Bravo 👏🏻

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    • Natalie Peh Bravo, dear Natalie! 

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