Group 4
Welcome to the NEW TWO WEEK INTENSIVE on tonebase!
Improving your Lyricism (feat Chopin)
Post your progress with videos and written commentary on how things are going for you!
- Course Period: June 26 - July 10th
- Class Size: ALL are welcome!
- Optional check-In via Zoom: July 2nd at 11am PT
- ZOOM MEETING Recording!
Assignment #1
- Pick a short piece (Mazurka, Nocturne, Prelude) or excerpt of a longer piece (Ballade, Polonaise, Scherzo, Sonata, Concerto). Focus on lyrical/slow sections.
- Learn bass carefully, labelling all chords and cadences.
- SING melodic line. Practice singing until your voice can identify the melody instantly.
- Submit a video: playing the Bass while singing the Soprano.
Assignment #2
-Label all breathing points with an apostrophe between phrase markings. Practice deep breaths between significant points or use a regular breath for phrase changes.
-Sing Bass notes of all chords while playing Soprano melody.
-Submit a video: playing hands together (performance).
Group 4: we won't have a Zoom debrief after this TWI, so I'd like to ask you: how do you see your development in the last two weeks? Here are some prompts to get you started:
1) In one sentence, what did you learn from this TWI?2) What skill do you need to practice daily to improve your lyricism in Chopin playing?
3) How easily (or not) was it to practice singing/solfege? What did you learn from it?
4) Which new practice methods began with frustration or struggle, but need to be used regularly until they are habits?
5) How important are harmony and colour to lyrical playing in Chopin?
7) What new understanding(s) did you gain about Chopin's music?8) Do you have a new set of questions or topics to approach in your lessons?
9) How has your listening changed?
10) How has your score reading changed?