ToneBase Scriabin Stage
I made a Scriabin video and thought, hey, why not make a place for us to share any of our Scriabin performances/works in progress? I wonder how many Scriabin fans we have here at ToneBase! (I know, this is a much smaller niche than the great ToneBase Bach Stage, haha.)
I especially love Scriabin’s earlier works, which have a lot of Chopin influence but which have a special magic to them, with frequently gorgeous melodies (and not just in the soprano), exotic harmonies, and sometimes deadly serious drama. His later works are also interesting and can be lovely, but they tend to be more disturbed and anxiety-inducing, to my ears at least.
To start, here are four of my favorite early Scriabin preludes. I added a little commentary to the video so you can see what I’m listening to (or thinking) while playing them.
I look forward to seeing what Scriabin pieces everyone here is playing!
this is an AMAZING idea; thank you so much for starting this forum for Scriabin-loving and Scriabin-curious pianists! (And kudos to Juan Carlos Olite who came up with the idea of a virtual tonebase stage dedicated to a single composer!) I don’t have anything ready by Scriabin just now apart from that little etude I posted yesterday in the Practice Plan Challenge, but I hope to record something else very soon.
In the meantime, here is my biggest, hairiest and most audacious bucket list item from his œuvre: Enjoy! (ideally after consuming a mind-altering substance) -
Marc M Amazingly beautiful pieces, and played with gorgeous sound and perfect sensibility. One imagines oneself transported to maybe the 1890s,, in an ornate salon filled with intoxicatingly fragrant flowers, reclining on a dark red velvet chaise longue while listening to this music wafting from an adjacent room.