Week 2: Share your progress

For this challenge "A Fresh Start" the goal is to pick a BRAND-NEW piece to work on this month.
This is the time to finally open that score that you have been thinking about and get to work!
- You should have selected your new piece by now, so this week let's start sharing our progress
- Share a video or type what you have been working on this week! It is always interesting to hear how people start the learning process!
Here’s my week 2 progress. It goes decently until that high voice in the treble shows up, and then I grind to a halt and need to do a bunch of calculus to figure out what the next note is. Of course I could just read, and I do eventually decide to look at the music again, but the notes are so far apart that reading is difficult also. I’m keeping my fishing for notes in there so everyone who “goes fishing” at the piano can feel like they have company.
Anyway, hopefully I’ll have the whole thing in ok shape next week, and the week after I can polish!
https://youtu.be/g5gdTDNQE4Q -
Week 2 - Brahms Intermezzo in A Major Op.118 No.2
OK soooo….. here is week 2 and I apologize for all the crunching in the background my dog just HAD to chew her toy right behind me lol. Anyway it’s coming along but my goal for this next week is to achieve consistency with my fingering and work more on the dynamics. I also need to work on memorization because as you will see in this video I tend to lose my place
Here's my Week 2 video as well! It's in a very raw state right now when I do a "full out playthru"... apologies that it's not pleasant to listen to, but it's really helpful for shining a spotlight on breaking points and what needs more work. More thoughts are in the video description. Looking forward to catching up on everyone else's submissions this week!