Navigating Hearing Loss for Musicians

Despite suffering major hearing loss, Noah Dugan has constructed a successful career as an orchestral trumpeter. In this stream, he discusses how this ailment has impacted his musical life and what strategies he's used to overcome it. 


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We are going to be using this thread to gather suggestions and questions!                                                                                

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    • Pauline
    • Pauline
    • 5 mths ago
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    What resources did Noah access to cope with his situation? Did he go through the stages of "grief" (according to ): denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance?

    • Pauline
    • Pauline
    • 5 mths ago
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    There is a saying that when one experiences a weakness or injury, it can be likened to a "hole in one's roof". When that hole is patched and taken care of it then becomes the strongest part of the roof because of the reinforcement. Did Noah find that he has emerged stronger, in some facets, due to this life challenge?


    What part did creativity play in his recovery? Imagination? Resolve? Humility?


    Were there particular people that he met or read about who experienced anything similar that he could turn to for encouragement and inspiration?


    Did he deal with this mostly internally or did he find it healing to express what he was going through as he was going through it?

    • Sam Smith
    • Sam_Smith
    • 5 mths ago
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    The link to the livestream is not working? At least not for me - it takes me to a tonebase enrollment page...

    • Sam Smith if you are in the enrollment page you have to login with your username and password

  • There is no chat on this livestream?

      • Sam Smith
      • Sam_Smith
      • 5 mths ago
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      Eder Giaretta You were able to open the livestream? The link does not work for me...

    • Sam Smith Yes, I've tried twice. But it's working. Try again

  • I'm sufering a lot with tinitus which makes me even difficult to sleep. I've tried everything but nothing gets better. Do you have any tips of what to do to deal with it?

      • Ethan
      • Ethan
      • 5 mths ago
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      Eder Giaretta Hi Eder! This questions is now being answered by Noah :) Basically, you want to figure out where the tinitus is coming from. If it's a result of hearing loss, see a good audiologist. Otherwise, it's very important to protect your hearing at every opportunity by using earplugs and limiting loud sound exposure. 

    • Ethan Thank you so much Ethan. I'm protecting my ears and seeking for audiologists... 

    • Eder Giaretta If you have a Costco membership, they have a hearing center that is very helpful and good quality. They can refer you to a specialist in your area if needed. 

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