Week 2: Status Check!
Hello and welcome to the WEEK TWO Main Thread for this challenge!
Alright everyone - this is the thread where we'll all be posting our daily updates.
Make sure you've read the rules before replying (<- click)
Twice a week I hope to be reading your daily updates in this very thread right here!
Here is this week's assignment!
1. Post a video of your practice!
As we have picked our pieces, let's share a "rough draft' of our current status. So that we can look back in 2 weeks and see the progress we have done!
2. Optional for Everyone: Listen to some of Liszt's non-piano music and let us know your favorites!
Hi everyone,
Finally getting around to posting an update: here are the two pieces I am working on for this challenge: I have played around with them before for my own interest but this is a chance to try and improve them. The pieces are the opening two from Liszt's Third Book of his years of Pilgrimage. These are later works and reflects his deep religious interests by then (he completed most the steps to becoming a priest) and also an increasingly modern approach to harmony. The first piece is called Angelus: Prayer to the Guardian Angel. This is very reflective and spiritual in mood. The Second piece is called At the Cypress (trees) at the Villa d'Este (photo attached although I have never visited) and seems to reflect them swaying I'm the wind as a storm (physical and metaphorical) starts to brew and unfold. I think the ending leads to resolution as the skies clear.
Piece 1
Piece 2
I'll aim for a final version by end of the week all going to plan
Progress post- My first practice video of Der Doppelg盲nger- a Liszt piano transcription of a Schubert piano/voice piece. Based on the poem by Heinrich Heine. I have tried to add subtitles for the poem so you can follow along with the story- you have to enable captions (something new I just learned how to do). I heard this in an album full of transcriptions recently so I am happy to have an excuse to learn it now. Looking forward to recording a cleaner version in the final week.