Tonebase Community Concert: April 2022

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome! Follow us as we show you the way into the tonebase concert hall, the place where you will perform on April 30th! 


Here is the program!


Shaw-Jiun Wang Bach: Sinfonia from Partita no.2

Angela Fogg  Bartok: 1-3 from Six Dances in Bulgarian Rhythm

Daniel Hewitt Rachmaninoff: Prelude op.23 no.4 in D major

Anthony Miyake  Bach: Prelude and Fugue #1 in C major BWV 846

Scott Nguyễn  Debussy: La Cathedrale Engloutie

Hannahong  Chopin: C# minor Nocturne post.

springgrass  Beethoven: "Appassionata" Sonata mvt. III


If I am forgetting someone let me know! But I just browsed the submissions to double check!


Click below to join!




We proudly present the CONCERT STAGE for the April 30th tonebase community concert!  🎉🥳🚀 The stage is all yours! 


Answer via a reply to this thread in order to reserve a spot with the piece and its approx. duration. The choice of repertoire is totally up to you! You want to play a waltz  or piece from the last Brahms/Holiday community challenges? A piece you've recently worked on for a virtual masterclass? Or something completely different? Let us know!    




We are going to use ZOOM (←click to download) for the tonebase Community Concert. In order to have the best audio quality, you can activate the option to Preserve Original Soundhere you find the documentation on how to activate that. It's best to use headphones with when the Original Audio Option is enabled.



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  • Thank you Dominic, I can only make between 11.30and 12.00 for the rehearsal - apologies but I will be teaching. See you Monday!

  • Hello Everyone:

    Here is the zoom info!


    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 860 9543 8698
    Passcode: 225012

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  • 11 am PT is 7 pm BST.  We are going out to dinner this Saturday so I won't be able to listen to the concert, which is so unfortunate.  The programme looks wonderful.  Enjoy!  I hope the concert is recorded so that I can hear it later?  Best Wishes!  Roy

    Like 2
  • Here is the program!


    SHAW-JIUN WANG Bach: Sinfonia from Partita no.2 

    ANGELA FOGG  Bartok: 1-3 from Six Dances in Bulgarian Rhythm 

    DANIEL HEWITT Rachmaninoff: Prelude op.23 no.4 in D major 

    ANTHONY MIYAKE  Bach: Prelude and Fugue #1 in C major BWV 846 

    SCOTT NGUYỄN  Debussy: La Cathedrale Engloutie 

    HANNAHONG  Chopin: C# minor Nocturne post. 

    SPRINGGRASS  Beethoven: "Appassionata" Sonata mvt. III

    Like 3
  • Hello Everyone!


    Here is the zoom link for today's concert:


  • Shaw-Jiun Wang  Angela Fogg  Anthony Miyake  Hannahong  springgrass


    Zoom link right here!

  • Dominic Cheli Thanks much for organizing this.  It was great!

    Like 2
    • springgrass 

      Bravo!! You were wonderful. Can’t wait to hear the Beethoven again!

    • Dominic Cheli Probably in 2 months 😅  There are so much details that we need to cover in this piece. We are working for a summer festival audition submission which required a sonata movement (Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven)   

      Like 1
    • springgrass Sounds good! Good luck with everything!!

  • It was a great concert. Scott (and I) really enjoyed listening to and learning from all wonderful performances. We very much look forward to the next concert. Thanks so much, once gain, for organizing it, Dominic! 

    Like 1
    • Scott Nguyễn 

      Thanks for playing, Scott!

      You were great! Looking forward to the next one 

  • Hi Dominic, I couldn't make it to watch the community concert. Is there any recording of it?

    Like 1
    • Natalie Peh We actually don't record any community concerts since we don't want to add too much pressure onto the participants. Just join us next month!

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      • Denise
      • Educator
      • Denise
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Dominic Cheli I really wish there were recordings, as it would be lovely to watch. I understand though. Unfortunately, I cannot join as I am teaching lessons when they occur. It would be wonderful to archive… with the performer’s permission of course.  Do you know if they will always be at 11 am on Saturdays? Thinking ahead for my studio scheduling for next year… ;-)

    • Dominic Cheli ok, got it! I will definitely look out for the next one

  • Did anyone else have trouble accessing this concert? The link in the email took me to the concert page but it said it had not started yet; the link to the discussion on the main page went nowhere. I tried different things to get to it for a while and finally gave up.

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    • Harriet Kaplan I am sorry to hear that you had trouble! It was just a zoom link that was posted above in this forum link. Next time I will make sure that everything is clear. Next time will be next month!

    • Harriet Kaplan I set up 11:30 am Central Time US and kept trying noon  til 5 pm and it kept saying concert not started yet. I refreshed dozens of times and went back to check email and for website update. Very disappointed.  Was there a concert?

    • Carole Kincaid Yes there was a concert!

      I had left the zoom links in the forum here above, but also in the description at the top of the page and if you click on the photo at the top of the page.


      How do you normally access livestreams? Just so that I know to prevent any confusion from happening in the future!

    • Carole Kincaid yes, I did the same. I didn’t see a Zoom link anywhere. I got an “update” email the next day that had the link, but of course it was over by then!

    • Dominic Cheli 

  • Dominic, I put date and time on my calender (central time) I say Plan to Attend. I usually receive an email reminder the day of with time reminder. It says Click Here to Begin. Then it says The event will start in 1 hour. The event will Start Soon. The Event has Not Started Yet. 

    When that didn't work this time, I went to Tonebase Webpage and clicked on Live Sessions. I got the Same Message.  Frankly I would Never have thought of looking on The Forum. Nor did other people. I wasted hours Saturday on this, changed an appointment to listen in. plus the disappointment of waiting all week looking forward to the concert and then missing it for no good reason. 

    I know others felt the same. 

    • Carole Kincaid 

      I am very sorry about the inconveniences that were caused. I am going to check on why this happened and make sure it does not happen again.  I appreciate you being clear about how you access live events, since that is very helpful to know.


      Let me know if you have other thoughts or questions, but rest assured that this will not be a problem for this month’s (May) community concert. 


      My Apologies!


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