Welcome to the tonebase Piano Community!

Hey everyone - this is Dominic from tonebase 🙂!


As the lead of tonebase PIANO it's such a pleasure to welcome you to the tonebase community. We would love to get to know you! Please introduce yourself in a post below with the following format: 

  • Where are you from and what's your favorite food from there? ;) 
  • What are you currently working on? 
  • What are you hoping to get out of this community? 

I'll go first: 

  • I was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri and you better believe that I love my barbecue! It is hard to pick my favorite food between ribs, brisket, or a beautiful grilled steak, but if I have to decide...nothing beats a juicy, fall-off-the-bone rack of baby back ribs!
  • Currently working on some old favorites of mine by Carl Vine (Piano Sonata No.1), Beethoven (Piano Concerto No.4) and Scriabin (Fantasy op.28) but also adding some great repertoire by H. Leslie Adams (Etude in A-flat minor Book 2), Laura Kaminsky (Alluvion), and Clara Schumann (Romanze in A minor Op.21 no.1)!
  • I am hoping to getting to know and helping all of you achieve your musical and artistic goals. Let's have some fun and get to work!

Now over to you (after some participation from our tonebase team members!) 

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    • Philip U.
    • Philip_U
    • 1 yr ago
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    Greetings. I am 71, living in Virginia for many years though raised in New England, which I miss. I began lessons at age 7, left for boarding school at 14, where rock pulled me from more serious study, and I didn't begin my (mostly) self-education again until I was 25 and got a piano. My father Paul was an accompanist at the top of his profession in the mid-20th Century. The beauty of his playing and his love of Classical music are my unreachable north star, with Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, and Brahms among others as my eternal guides. 

          Sight reading is my downfall; it was always easier to learn by ear as much as possible and memorize, something gained from singing with my mother from the earliest age. (It was still a time when we made our own entertainment -- what a concept!) I haven't gotten much better over the years, which is to say, pathetic. Fortunately, I can still hear.

         Lacking lieder singers in my environs in recent years, I have tackled a few solo pieces that sounded so easy -- HA! Brahms's Opus 18, No.2; Mendelssohn's Songs Without Words, Opus 38, No 6 and now Opus 19, No. 1. Like Schubert's Sch::one M:ullerin, Beethoven's An Die Ferne Geliebte, and Schumann's Frauenliebe (which don't, of course, sound so easy, and aren't), I memorize pieces whose beauty draws me in, sometimes simply because of that, and sometimes (as in the case of the later two cycles), because something about the typical performance enfuriates me and I am determined to get at what I am certain the composer intended. Same with Mozart's Anbendempfindung.

         My technique is barely worthy of the name, my practice schedule is a roller coaster, except when I have a mission to accomplish, such as an informal recital or other performance, which these days is almost never.  From this, it should be clear that I play pieces I have no business playing. But, with silent apologies to the composers, I keep at it.

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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        Philip U. Welcome to the Tonebase family, Philip!  You are among friends and many of us have the same challenges as you.  Hang out as much as you can and watch the Live Streams, to get to meet nice folks.  We are here to work together and try to answer any questions.

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      • Philip U.
      • Philip_U
      • 1 yr ago
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      Gail Starr Thanks, Gail. I see others have included photos of their musical lairs, so I'll add one, too.

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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      Philip U. What a lovely musical corner!

  • Hi! I'm Ellinor and I'm new to Tunebase. I live on the west coast of Sweden and seafood is very popular in my region, especially in the summer months.

    I'm currently working towards a grade 6 piano exam and the pieces I'm working on are Mozart K545 1st movement, Invention no14 in Bb (Bach) and Gnossienne no5 (Satie). 

    I'm very exited to start learning with tonebase. I've followed the YouTube channel for a while and enjoyed it a lot. I'm feeling grateful that I was now able to join and getting access to all this knowledge. I've browed the membership page a bit and the content seems great. I hope to improv my musicianship and technical facilities. I'm also looking forward to learning from all the lessons on great repertoar available, that I'll be able to grow with for a long time. 

    The live events and community activities you offer also seem interesting and I have to look in a bit more to these opportunities. 

    I'm looking forward to learning and keep growing as a pianist and musician with you!

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      • Pauline
      • Pauline
      • 1 yr ago
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      Ellinor Ekman Welcome, Ellinor! Seafood is one of my favorite foods! The content on Tonebase is great! If you apply what you learn, you will improve your musicianship and knowledge base. I have found it to be incredibly helpful, insightful and enjoyable!

    • Pauline Thank you! I'm looking forward to explore the content farther. I'll certainly have plenty to work with, there's seems to be lot's of knowledge within this community :)

      Like 1
      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 1 yr ago
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      Ellinor Ekman Välkommen! Jag har familj i Göteborg och sommarhus i Smogen. Tonebase-familjen är underbar!

      • Pauline
      • Pauline
      • 1 yr ago
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      Ellinor Ekman You're welcome, Ellinor! There is!

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    • Gail Starr Vad roligt! 

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    • Mariela
    • Mariela
    • 1 yr ago
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    Welcome Elinor to tonebase! I can only say to you that I hope your expectations get fulfilled. It is a place to learn and to find the courage to start new ways of practicing the technical aspect or learn a piece by a composer you never imagine you would like. All the best in your exam and will see you in tonebase!

    • Mariela Thank you :)

      • Philip U.
      • Philip_U
      • 1 yr ago
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      I don't know the forum well enough to know where to post this little fun anecdote. I just saw that S. Bernstein studied with Husserl, a student of Leschetizky. A friend of my father's told me that Dad had once been roused from bed late one night at the age of 4 (in Vienna) to demonstrate his perfect pitch for Leschetizky. Indirect connection but fun. (The grandfather I never met was a singer who had studied with singer/cellist Josef Gänsbacher (see Wikipedia for anecdote of him playing with Brahms.)

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  • Hi, I'm Kim and I'm from The Netherlands. I played the piano for about 8 years as a teenager, was spoiled with a piano teacher that owned a beautiful Erard grand piano with a unique feel and sound that I fell in love with the first day, eventually disappointed my piano teacher and family by not pursuing an admission to the conservatory of music, and gradually stopped playing piano altogether.
    Fast forward 20+ years and I now find myself drawn back in to making music at 41, picking up where I left off again (I wish, actually quite a few steps back from where I left off) playing the piano, and joined Tonebase as a motivation to get back up to speed. I'm already enjoying the in-depth videos about the pieces, and look forward to improving my skill.

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      • Philip U.
      • Philip_U
      • 1 yr ago
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      Kim Grand indeed, Kim. I had to start over once, and with my roller coaster practice schedule, I often feel I am doing so constantly. Long ago, I had a grand on which to practice sometimes, and it made a major difference in my playing. My Mason-Hamlin upright's keys have neither the depth nor weight of action of the grand. Growing up, we had an aging Schweighofer, perhaps from my father's Vienna life, which had a rather light action, as I recall. Anyway, best wishes to you on your new journey!

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    • Hugo Valk
    • amateur pianist
    • Hugo_Valk
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hello everyone,


    • I am from The Netherlands and almost 40 years old. As a citizen of Gouda I do love cheese (of most varieties actually), but even more any well-treated muscle tissue from land animals with a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 legs (a.k.a. meat). 
    • After having played the trumpet for 27 years, I was looking for an instrument that I could practice in the evening hours. These silent systems nowadays are really good. I've started taking lessons in September 2022, and I've been practicing at least an hour every day. Working through the Classics to Moderns series (currently in the second volume), I combine this with some more difficult music (that takes me much longer to learn). Currently working on Bach's Prelude in D minor, BWV 926. 
    • I'm hoping to get some extra inspiration next to my lessons (which are very good by the way). And also ideas for music to play that I don't know yet. 
    Like 1
  • Hello! :)

    • I'm from Mexico City, 47. mainly IT/CS geek, and now music student. I enjoy many types food, this city is huge so you can find literally everything and I try to continue exploring. Obviously tacos are high here, with many levels of spicy salsas :) I also love eat and cook asian inspired food, mainly japanese. 
    • I am currently working on Chopin Nocturne Op. 15 No 3, Mozart Fantasia in D Minor K397 and pop music like the Frozen soundtrack, Mecano and Hombres G (spanish groups).
    • Since high school I were always trying to teach myself guitar with no success. Later on life: work, kids, etc. but 3 years ago I formally began taking piano classes and It has been a blast. Currently I want to improve my musicality and my understanding of music.




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  • Hello everyone, my name is Francisco

    • I'm in Bogotá, Colombia and I love "stuffed potatoes from my country xd 
    • I'm currently working on Chopin's Ballades and Intermezzi by a Colombian composer by the name of Luis A. Calvo. He has some beautiful music!
    • I'm here to learn all that I possibly can!

      It would be nice to add spanish subtitles to Tonebase videos, that would expand the market a lot as well. Let me know if I can be of any help on that matter.
    • Mariela
    • Mariela
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hola Francisco, bienvenido! I'm sure you are going to enjoy Tonebase greatly as we are. I love playing music by venezuelan composers. I come from Venezuela, now I'm living in Scotland. Be sure you will learn a lot! Also one gathers new energy to change and improve your practice in new and interesting ways.

    Like 1
  • Hello everyone, 

    1. I come from Shanghai, China, and my favorite food is hamburgers (LOL).
    2. The piece of music I am currently practicing is Liszt's Un Sospiro Etudes.
    3. I hope to gain a deep understanding of piano works and teaching methods on the website tonebase. Although I graduated from a music college, my major was not piano. Now I am a piano teacher, and I feel that there are more and more things I don't understand in the teaching process, so I hope to acquire some new knowledge here.
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    • Sachi
    • Sachi
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hi. I`m Sachi and new in the tonebase community :)

    • Born and raised in rural countryside, Hida in Japan. Favorite food: I miss Japanese food, Matcha soft ice cream is in my mind right now.  I live in the south-west part of Norway for over the last 30 years. 
    • Currently working on Debussy: Clair de Lune & Chopin etude op.10-3. Getting 2 pieces ready for coming soon home consert: Brahms Waltz Ab major & Chopin etude op.25-2. 
    • From this community, I am hoping to collect inspiration and encouragement to persist own  journey.  I long for connection to like-minded people. I`m a piano lover, 4 th year into serious piano challange. 
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      • Pauline
      • Pauline
      • 1 yr ago
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      Sachi Welcome, Sachi!

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      • Sachi
      • Sachi
      • 1 yr ago
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      Hi Pauline Thank you😊

  • My name is Alexander (Alex) Weymann; I joined tonebase in November 2020 but didn't really make use of it other than watching a teaching video here and there. Recently, however, I discovered this piano community - and I absolutely love it. What a wonderful, supportive group of people! This community provides just the continuity and the motivation I need as an eager amateur. :-) 

    I was born and raised in Germany but have been living in the U.S. continuously since 2001. I'm a pediatrician and went to medical school in Germany but did all my postgraduate training in the U.S., most of it in New York City. I then moved to St. Louis where I lived for 12 years. Since 2017, I have been living and working in Columbus, OH. A few years ago, I actually attended a wonderful concert at the Columbus Symphony with Dominic Cheli as the soloist in Shostakovich's first piano concerto (with solo trumpet) - an amazing performance, and still a memory to treasure! In addition to playing the piano, I enjoy singing and am a Bass 2 in the Columbus Symphony Chorus; I sing bass in our church choir as well. 

    My favorite food from Germany is hard to pick, but I do love our thick, fluffy, egg-y German pancakes. And I miss the many wonderful types of cold meats - all those delicious varieties of ham, roast and sausage... 

    What am I working on? I am currently brushing up a piece I first learned as a teenager - Chopin's "Fantaisie-Impromptu". A very dear family friend is getting married in August; she loves that one especially and used to always request it, so I'll make a little video recording and send it to her as a surprise. A new piece I am learning (and enjoying tremendously) is Marc-André Hamelin's delightful arrangement of Zequinha de Abreu's "Tico-Tico no Fuba". And the most recent big, long-term project I've embarked on is Schumann's "Carnaval" which I hope to play for mother on her upcoming 90th birthday - it's one of her all-time favorites, a piece she heard her father play often. 

    What am I hoping to get out of the tonebase piano community? Motivation, support, enjoyment of other people's music-making, learning how my peers cope with and overcome their technical and musical struggles. And, most of all: focus to help me learn new pieces "all the way", performance-ready. Like probably many of us, I have a demanding 60-80 hour a week day job and currently no piano teacher to keep me honest - so this forum, I hope, will help me perform better in what little I can do at the piano.

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      • Pauline
      • Pauline
      • 1 yr ago
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      Alexander Weymann Welcome, Alexander!

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