Welcome to the tonebase Piano Community!

Hey everyone - this is Dominic from tonebase 🙂!


As the lead of tonebase PIANO it's such a pleasure to welcome you to the tonebase community. We would love to get to know you! Please introduce yourself in a post below with the following format: 

  • Where are you from and what's your favorite food from there? ;) 
  • What are you currently working on? 
  • What are you hoping to get out of this community? 

I'll go first: 

  • I was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri and you better believe that I love my barbecue! It is hard to pick my favorite food between ribs, brisket, or a beautiful grilled steak, but if I have to decide...nothing beats a juicy, fall-off-the-bone rack of baby back ribs!
  • Currently working on some old favorites of mine by Carl Vine (Piano Sonata No.1), Beethoven (Piano Concerto No.4) and Scriabin (Fantasy op.28) but also adding some great repertoire by H. Leslie Adams (Etude in A-flat minor Book 2), Laura Kaminsky (Alluvion), and Clara Schumann (Romanze in A minor Op.21 no.1)!
  • I am hoping to getting to know and helping all of you achieve your musical and artistic goals. Let's have some fun and get to work!

Now over to you (after some participation from our tonebase team members!) 

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  • Hi and a warm hello! I'm Natalie from Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia.


    I love having spicy curry noodles, with lots delicious and juicy meat, vegetable and tofu toppings, as well as Korean fried chicken.


    I'm working on:

    - Hanon, exercise no 3, each day playing in a different major or minor key

    - scales, 6 or seven different scales

    - Bach's Well Tempered Clavier, Prelude and Fugue II in C minor

    - Martinu's It isn't bad, now is it, to pick some flowers, for the February piano jam on the piano sub-reddit group 


    Most days, where I have extra time on my hands:

    - Beethoven's Kursfursten Sonata WoO 47, No 1

    - cover of Sincerely, a track from the anime series Violet Evergarden 


    I am a working adult, and last November, I bought a baby grand piano on a whim. Didn't even test it out, bought it and it got delivered in a few days. I hadn't played for well over 30 years. I think my last piano lesson was probably when I was 17! Returning to playing the piano has been a very interesting and a very satisfying journey so far, and whilst I am slowly starting to recall a lot of the theory and regain some of the dexterity, i would love to learn how to make the most out of each practice session as well as improving on my playing generally and for the specific pieces I'm working on. I also look forward to participating in the forum and interacting with other pianists.


    Thanks, I am truly grateful to have access to so much knowledge and teaching by such amazing pianists and teachers.

    Like 2
    • Pauline Hi! And thanks! I'm so glad I started playing again and hope to muster up some courage to post a video of my playing sometime 😊 

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    • Dominic Cheli  Hi! The recommendation sounds great, because that's exactly what I would like to do! Thanks for the tip 😊👍

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      • Pauline
      • Pauline
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Natalie Peh Please do! I know we would all like to hear your playing!

      Like 2
    • Natalie Peh Please do! We would love to hear you play. This is a very supportive community and you can learn a lot from recording yourself/listening back!

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    • Tello Soulë
    • Musician, music productor, saxophonist
    • Tello_Soule
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Hi! I’m new :) any advice?

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      • Pauline
      • Pauline
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Tello Soulë Hello, Tello! Welcome to the Tonebase Piano Community!

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    • Tello Soulë Welcome! Would you consider yourself a beginner, intermediate, or advanced student? That can help me answer your question! You can check out our LIVE interactive events, or produced lessons!

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    • Ernesto
    • Musician at heart.
    • ernest_gro
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Hi there,


    • Originally from México, living in Miami. As you would imagine, my favorite food is... you guessed it, tacos.
    • I'm not working on any pieces at the moment. I'm literally starting from scratch. I am emptying my mind and putting aside what I think I know about piano. 
    • Looking forward to getting back to basics and learning from all of you. 
    Like 2
    • Ernesto Welcome! I hope that some of our livestreams can help with basics. If you have specific questions feel free to reach out! 

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    • Giuseppe
    • Giuseppe
    • 2 yrs ago
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    • Hello!  Pleased to join this group.  I am Giuseppe from Rome (Italy) but I was born in Naples where I studied so many years ago music in the local "conservatorio" (high school of music).  Happy father of two children and husband of a beautiful wife I have dedicated my time mostly to family and work (I am a teacher).  Now my love for music has returned and I am practising again.
    • My favorite food of course is pasta!
    • Mostly I am currently working on the jazz repertoire but I am also working on Debussy, Bach and Villa-Lobos.
    • I would like to discover  other composers and to improve my tecnique
    Like 2
    • Giuseppe Wonderful! Which pieces by Villa-Lobos are you playing? Any composers you would like us to teach/talk about on tonebase?

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      • Giuseppe
      • Giuseppe
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Dominic Cheli Currently I am studying the "Aria" from Bachianas Brasileiras n.5 by Villa-Lobos.  I would like some lessons on modern composers like  Piazzolla, Steve Reich or Serge Assad and also some lesson on new tecniques of composition

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    • Giuseppe Thanks for the suggestions - I will definitely keep those in mind when planning!

    • Mireille
    • Mireille
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Hello everyone,
    My name is Mireille and I am joining from the Netherlands. I live in the part of Netherlands where they say we have Burgundy lifestyle (as in France) and also André Rieu his roots are here in Maastricht.
    Learning to play piano was on my wish list for a while and I finally started. Currently I know C scale and play with both hands. So I hope to deepen my skills / technique of playing here at Tonebase.
    About my favourite food. That would be Indian vegetarian food. .  and then I can not choose a particular dish because it is all so tasty.
    Is there a specific path I can follow in Tonebase. I already read some advice where to start in my email and started there.
    Best regards from Mireille

    Like 3
      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Mireille Hi Mireille!  We are so happy you are here at Tonebase.  I think you can search for "beginner" pieces and you will find perfect music to start with.

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      • Mireille
      • Mireille
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Gail Starr Thanks for letting me know. I will give this a try :) 

      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Mireille Text me if you have any trouble finding what you are looking for!  I've been a member for quite a while.

    • Howie Lim
    • Howie_Lim
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Hi everyone!


    My name is Howie Lim and I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, a tropical country in southeast Asia. My favorite food would be of Chinese, Japanese, Malay and Indian cuisine. I like curry and I love the dumplings, noodles, steamed pork bun, roti canai and nasi lemak. Malaysia is full of delicious food because of diverse cultures!


    I'm currently working on Chopin's Nocturne in B flat minor and Waltz in C# minor...just finished watching the lesson on Tonebase and I'm really impressed. I learned to play the piano for about 10 years as a kid (till 17, 18 years old) and I stopped learning formally. In the past 10 years, I have almost stopped playing the piano. I'm now 45 years old and my urge to play and learn to play the piano returned during the COVID19 pandemic and lockdown. I bought my first Kawai upright piano in February 2021 and have been going to a weekly piano class since then.  Just last month, I traded my Kawai to a Yamaha G2 baby grand and I have been playing every day.  The sound is so much brighter and I am really moved by the sound of the piano. It gives me a lot of pleasure to play the instrument, especially at night...I installed some acoustic panels in my condo so that my neighbors won't complain!


    Recently, I have been in love with Chopin's work...I love all of his Nocturne and Waltz in C# minor or C minor. My favorite music has been new age, piano music with lots of dreamy arpeggios. For example, Ludovico Einaudi, Stanton Lanier, Jean-Francois Maljean. I also like the music by Anne Trenning and Jim Brickman.


    My motivation to join tonebase is to learn from various masters to improve my techniques and understanding on the musical pieces, theories. My plan is to sit for the ABRSM grade 8 exam next year. It's nice e-meeting everyone here.



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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Howie Lim welcome!  We can't wait to hear your Nocture.

      • Lc
      • lc_piano
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Howie Lim 

      Welcome to Tonebase, Howie!  Thanks for sharing your journey!   

       Indeed Malaysia has one of the best food in the world. :) I do so miss Laksa! 


      So happy you found your way back to the piano again. It's nice that you set a goal to take the exam. We could all use a bit of milestone. :)  As I recently learnt ABRSM repertoire is quite different from what it used to be. There are a lot more contemporary music these days. You should find more that you like. 


      Good luck! and Welcome to this nice community.

    • Leandro
    • Leandro.1
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Hello everyone! My name is Leandro. Originally from Buenos Aires, but currently in the UK.

    My favourite food from my country is probably the BBQ.

    I’m currently working on being able to play some classical pieces on the piano, so whenever I see a piano I can play other things, rather than just pop or rock.

    I expect to get a lot of support from the fellow musicians in this forum. Thanks in advance to everyone! 🙏 

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Leandro Welcome, Leandro!

    • ignazio student
    • It’s never to late to start loving music
    • ignazioc_tonebase
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Hi all! My name is Ignazio, I’m from Italy but I live in Germany. 
    food: well, a good pizza is on my top three.

    I’m restarting piano after…35 years from last time I touched a piano. I’m a bit rusty :) but I’m more disciplined and enjoy even during my scales.

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 2 yrs ago
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      ignazio student Benvenuto, Ignazio! The professor for this month's Community Challenge about Haydn & Mozart is also from Italy.  You should join us.  The info is in the Forum under "Haydn & Mozart".

    • Michael
    • Michael.14
    • 2 yrs ago
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    My name is Michael. I am originally from Los Angeles but now reside in Montreal, Quebec Canada. 

    The favourite local food here has to be poutine, despite it being so rich that it can only be consumed a dozen or so times a year, at most =). But those dozen or so times are magical, indeed.

    About 3 months ago, I severely broke my right wrist (dominant hand), separating the hand bones from the wrist entirely. I have finally recovered enough to resume my piano practice, so I am just now working on getting some dexterity back via technique exercises. Before my accident, I was working on Level 6 of the RCM program here in Canada. 

    At the same time, my in-person piano teacher is on maternity leave, so I am signing up for this community to also bring structure back to my practice and expertise!

    It's exciting to be here and meet you all!




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