Derek's practice diary

Hi everyone,

After watching Dominic's Community Concert launch video a few days ago, I was prompted to start practicing a few pieces I learned for the first time during the pandemic.

A lot of cobwebs at the moment and feels like re-learning some of them again from scratch! The pieces I will focus on for the next few weeks are;

Debussy - Clair de Lune from Suite Bergamasque

Chopin - Nocturne Op.27/2 in D flat maj

Chopin - Etude Op.25/7

Gershwin - Prelude No.1 


Current approach is to play through at a slow tempo and try to feel what works and what doesn't before starting to drill down into specific problems... will try to share a progress video in the coming days.



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  • Hi everyone, 

    I have been working again on Clair de Lune by Debussy. I have been trying to make the middle part of the piece flow a bit better (work in progress..) particularly improving articulation in the left hand at bars 45-46.  Here鈥檚 a short progress video and any comments welcome! Best wishes 

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      • Monika Tusnady
      • The Retired French Teacher
      • Monikainfrance
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Derek McConville Thank you for sharing this video. I can't hear any cobwebs! In fact, I love the clarity of articulation that you bring to this work - it sparkles, like moonlight in water that is moving, not still, and reflects light in changing patterns. 

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    • Monika Tusnady thanks so much Monika! I love this piece and hope it will be ready for the community concert !

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    • Gail Starr
    • Retired MBA
    • Gail_Starr
    • 2 yrs ago
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    You will definitely be ready!  (In fact, you are ready now.)馃檪

    • Hilda Huang
    • Concert Pianist and tonebase Piano Community Lead
    • Hilda
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Derek, You sounded good at the dress rehearsal yesterday, I'm looking forward to hearing you in two weeks. 


    A little practice tip I have for you - try practicing one of the measures that you have some trouble with by memory. That means you'll have to memorize it first - but you'll then get the opportunity to look at your hands instead of the music while you're playing a challenging measure. What do you notice when you look at your hands?


    Playing through at a slow tempo is great - a metronome will help you find a steady tempo at a slow speed.


    Looking forward to more-


  • Hi everyone, I played a short piece by Poulenc at the September Community Concert. I have been learning this Novelette (No.3 in E minor) during the past few weeks and it was a good challenge to play it live. As always I really enjoyed the event and its really great to listen to others and its very motivating to learn and hear new pieces! Derek

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    • Sounds great!

    • Derek McConville thanks very much for sharing! It's very calming to listen to.

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    • Natalie Peh thank you! 

    • Vidhya Bashyam thank you! 

    • Derek McConville Thank you for sharing this beautiful piece. Wonderful playing! You make me want to play is myself.  

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    • Sindre Skarelven thank you! glad to share some Poulenc :)

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