Submit your questions for Emanuel Ax!
Dear pianist friends!
We’re excited to announce a forthcoming collaboration with the one and only Emanuel Ax. Next Tuesday, May 25, I will be meeting Manny at his home to film an interview feature and performances, with a focus on Chopin’s late works.
Add your questions to the thread below, and we will select one or two of our favorites to pose to Ax as part of the feature!
Some tips on formatting the question, to increase your chances of getting selected:
- Make sure your question isn't too long or too short. Aim for 2-3 sentences.
- Don't be too vague or too specific.
- Aim for originality. He's given many interviews, so try googling your topic along with his name first to see if he hasn't already answered your question elsewhere. (I've been doing research, so I will know!)
- Include your name and location.
Submit by Monday, May 24 at 8:00 P.M. Eastern/5:00 P.M. pacific!
Really looking forward to this! I have a series of interviews “The Concerto According to Manny” that over the years I’ve listened to in the car on long trips. He is such a wonderful pianist and human being, he exudes warmth and is so easy to feel a connection with. He has all kinds of interesting insights to offer about the piano concerti repertoire. How fabulous!