Mary's "Must Make Progress" Diary

I've started doing using the Cramer "50 Selected Studies" book that my piano teacher gave me when I was 17. I'm 61 now. Did I ever use it before? I honestly don't remember! I wish I had. My progress would have been faster!


I started at #1 and do a cold read every day. I flag the ones that I really like for continued study. I first do hands alone and then together, noting the scale and which 'concept" is being taught. I take as much time as needed to digest it, but really only allow myself about 20 minutes from beginning to end. Once I've absorbed it mentally, I then play it again with musicality. After this, I cold read a Czerny Op. 821 Eight Measure exercise. Same process, but I do this more technically minded. 


After that, and if I still have mental energy for it, I am working on "Aquarium", "Un Sospiro", some Schubert and Mozart, play through a book of Contemporary Master Works, and if there's any juice left, try to make progress through some of the Level 9 Royal Conservatory pieces. I have neighbors above, so I try to confine my practice to when they are gone. I'll be very curious to see how other pianists are practicing and what challenges they face with neighbors. My fantasy is to live in a senior (55+) musical community who, rather than investing in tennis courts and golf courses, invests in a fabulous performance hall and recording studio! One can dream!

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