Week 1: Improving Your Right-Hand Thumb Technique with Piotr Kozłowski

Welcome to Week 1 of the latest Two-Week Intensive!
For Week 1, Piotr has curated an assignment to work on below.
1. Please view Piotr’s video
2. Work on the exercises!
3. Post your progress and video so that Piotr can observe and provide further feedback!
Video link:
Attached above, are two samples and downloadable exercises from the “School of Virtuosity!”
Thumb Exercise:
Record yourself playing the thumb exercise (Sample No. 1), cycling through all the keys starting from C Major.
Use the following fingering:
- For C–Eb: 12121
- For E–G: 13131
- For Ab–B: 14141
Stretch before and after the exercise using Sample No. 2.
Practice Tips:
Practice daily, and monitor your progress, focusing on the movement and how you're using your thumb, especially on black keys.
I had surgery recently to correct trigger finger which has left my hands still swollen. Prior to the surgery I could reach the F# and Eb. Now my fingers don't spread that much so I'm modifying what notes to play on the first exercise. I'm hoping this will give me some mobility down the road. I like the ideas so i'll stick with it.
Thanks for the new ideas.
Hello Piotr!
Thank you for these exercises.
For exercise #2, I am only doing the first half measure, as you suggested for Ellen. I have a little trouble with the lower half. I notice your wrist is raised. Mine is raised even further and it feels quite stiff/tense, especially when I play the note on the 3rd finger. Is this something that should improve as I practice more? Or do I need to try something simpler to help lead up to that configuration?
Thank you.
Hi Piotr. Thanks for these exercises. Here are short clips of my initial try. I think my fingers are a little stiff?
Here is a video (painful to watch!
) of the stretching exercises. I assume these would get easier and more fluid with time.
Hi Piotr!
Here are my videos after 1 day trying to follow your advice re exercise 2. I have only included short sections so as not to bore you with too many mistakes, but hopefully these will be adequate to gain some feedback.
Thank you!
Exercise 1, with 1-2 fingering
Exercise 1, with 1-3 fingering
Exercise 1, with 1-4 fingering (obviously a lot more practice needed!)
Exercise 2, first few - feeling looser on these compared with my first attempt.
Exercise 2, really really awkward when thumb is on black key and index finger is on a white key!