Selecting the best pianists in Glocal Piano Project 2024

Hello Tonebase community,


The Glocal Piano Project 2024 is in ā€œaudience vote stageā€ that may help some pianists to get into Ferrucio Bussoni competition.


I have been following Natalie Schwamova for a long time, and I will give one vote to her (and will be happy if others in the community may help her also). The rules are that you have to choose 3 candidates to vote and there are many candidates, that I will certainly not be able to listen to all and I donā€™t want to randomly choose the other two or on a very short sample of what I can listen, ignoring all others.


So I thought, why not try to ask the tonebase community for help. I hope someone else think this is a fun thing to do.


There are 8 locations, so it would be nice that different people could pick different locations to listen to all or the most of the videos in that location. Hopefully we can cover all locations and maybe even have more than one personā€™s opinion for each one.


The website is:

Voting ends next week (December 9), if you think you can join this idea I would ask:

- answer this post saying which location you will concentrate (so that different people can pick different locations).

- after you listen to the candidates, make a top pick and or a short list (first, second, thirdā€¦). If you couldnā€™t listen to all candidates, say which you listened to.

Ideally the second answer will by Saturday night or Sunday morning, so that it is still possible to listen to the first candidates of other people to make a final decision before voting ends. And please, if you are biased from knowing the candidate (personally or following), disclosure it.


I will be glad if anyone could join. I may choose one location other than Madrid, since I am already biased at that location.

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  • Great idea! Iā€™ll stay neutral, but thought Iā€™d pass along a tip for those of you picking a location: seems like Munich and Los Angeles have the best-sounding recording quality!

    Like 1
  • I will start my own ranking from the candidates of Vienna (Austria)

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  • 1 mth agoLast active
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