What would you like improved on tonebase?

What would you like improved on tonebase?

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  • I would like to see more repertoire videos, especially late beginner and intermediate levels. I think at the moment it is a bit biased toward technique, which is nice, but a lot of technique cwn be also learned from repertoire. 

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  • A "My second piano recital"  would be great. I am enrolled in the first and enjoying it very much.

  • I would like to have a way to organize personal playlists, like youtube. Because sometimes when I finish a course but somehow it is still in progression list. And in bookmark list I can鈥檛 remember which one I have finished, which one still going, and which one haven鈥檛 started.

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  • Please add the option to remember which instrument you are working on. Instead off selecting an instrument every time when App start.

    • Golfdotnet I had a the same thought, then realized some people are multi-talented and play more than one instrument.  

  • I am looking for teachers. it will be nice to a platform where we can match up with good teachers. 

  • It is taking lots of time to find my bookmarks, which disappear, and if I can remember the name of the course I was taking without even more random searching, the place I left off has been lost and it is necessary to scroll through the lesson to find it.

    • Dagmar
    • always curious
    • Dagmar
    • 1 mth ago
    • Reported - view

    Is there a way to mark archived livestreams as watched/completed? 

  • I use the Android app. When I am reading the forum and switch to other app and then come back, the app gets back to tonebase main screen, not the forum I left. It would be nice to fix this.

    • Marcela
    • Marcela
    • 3 wk ago
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    Soy de habla hispana y agradecer铆a much铆simo que por lo menos est茅n los v铆deos subtitulados al espa帽ol 馃槶鉂わ笍 porfavor 

  • Spanish subtitles in the videos please. 

  • It would be great to see on a map where all members of Tonebase (who are willing to share this information) are vaguely located. This way people could connect for chamber music- especially across all instrument platforms .

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      • NANCY M
      • 2 wk ago
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      Andrea Buckland brilliant suggestion. Thank you Andrea .
      I am getting together with another fellow student and we're playing duets once a month plus sharing the rep we're learning. Two hours flies by and we are leaving our session together SO refreshed. Lots of laughter and joy and humility!! Anything to keep us all more connected.

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    • NANCY M this sounds wonderful! I鈥檓 very happy for you!

      • Randi
      • Randi
      • 2 wk ago
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      Andrea Buckland that is a great idea a

    • Andrea Buckland that's a great idea, Andrea! It would be so much fun. Imagine chamber music intensives and practice diaries if that takes works out!

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    • Golfdotnet
    • Golfdotnet
    • 10 days ago
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    I would like to see a musical-piece-tutorial has the links to the technical tutorial that appropriate for that piece. This could help accelerate the learning process for a beginner or intermediate level students

    Many pieces are taught by a high-level professor in the master class format. The instructor usually assume that a student is skill in technical required in the piece. Thus, goes through the difficult passage by just demonstration and focusing on how to interpret the music. Which is not the most useful for middle level student.

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