Schubert and the sustain pedal

I had a specific question about Schubert's Impromptu Op 90, No. 4.  He does not notate anything about the pedal during the falling arpegios.  However, many artists use the pedal during that section and other parts of this impromptu.  What do scholars say about Schubert's use of the sustain pedal?  Thanks.

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  • Allen Levine  This is a good thing that you have noticed! I find that there needs to be a middle ground with the pedal here. A mix of SOME pedal, while still respecting the staccato dots of the the Left Hand. I would pedal every beat or flutter the pedal. I will feature this question in an upcoming livestream so I can demonstrate what I mean on the piano! Thanks for this question

  • Thanks.  Please let us know when you are doing a live stream on this topic.

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  • I wanted to thank you for your lesson dealing with the Schubert pedal--excellent!

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  • 2 yrs agoLast active
  • 4Replies
  • 220Views
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