Halloween Recital!

Welcome to our next Community Recital!

🎃👻 Welcome to the Halloween Recital 👻🎃

While this recital has a hauntingly fun name, don't feel like you're stuck playing spooky tunes—pick whatever you love! 🎶
To sign up, just "reply to this topic" with your repertoire, and you're in!

But hey, if you're in the Halloween spirit, let the eerie vibes of the season inspire your piece! 🕸️🎃👻

General information and Guidelines below!

Reply to this topic with your name and repertoire selection if you would like to perform! If you don't know what you want to play yet, you can always just let us know your intent!


These events are NOT live-streamed OR recorded, but are private zoom meetings where tonebase members can share their hard work and perform for each other! 


These concerts can be played LIVE, or if you can't attend, you can submit a recording!


This is a GENEROUS and SUPPORTIVE space.


Performing is one of the best ways to push yourself, and really evaluate the work/progress you have made!


Repertoire is open to any piece!


Memorization is NOT required.


You can play select movements, or even sections of pieces! No need to perform a complete work!


Playing the piano is fun, but sharing your music with others is one of life's great joys. Join in on the fun and cheer each other on!




Because we use zoom for these concerts, it is important to have the best audio and visual settings available!


Check out these videos depending on the device you are using!







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    • Aline Valade
    • Artist
    • Aline_Valade
    • 8 days ago
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    Hi Dominic Cheli , is it possible to give us some suggestion of spooki piano pieces that will be possible to play for this Halloween concert ?  That will be great and give us an idee! Thank You for that!

    Like 3
      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 7 days ago
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      Dominic Cheli All great ideas! Thank you!

      • Eunji Kim
      • Eunji_Kim
      • 6 days ago
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      Dominic Cheli Lovely list! or Should I say spooooky list?  What about adding Liszt's transcription of Erlkönig by Schubert?  I hope someone would play anyway.  The list of pieces submitted by everyone itself sounds quite daunting and "terrific" to me...! 😅   Question, can I still attend even if I am not ready to perform this time, but wanted to see and possibly be inspired for some other time...?


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      • Aline Valade
      • Artist
      • Aline_Valade
      • 5 days ago
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      Dominic Cheli Great ! Thank You Dominic! 😍

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  • Count me in! I’d like to play live and I’ll come back to update which piece I plan to play. 👍

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    • Andrea LeVan I’m going to try to learn this really fun version of Phantom of the Opera arranged by Aysedeniz Gokcin if I can learn it in time (I haven’t started it yet), or maybe Musa by Manolo Carrasco. Both fun pieces 😉

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    • Andrea LeVan  can’t find the music for Musa. Can you help?

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • 7 days ago
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      Dennis Douberteen www.ManoloCarrasco.com should have the link, I hope

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    • Dennis Douberteen hi yes I can! Mr. Carrasco is so generous that he gives many of his compositions away for free on his website. Here you go! 

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    • Andrea LeVan Thank you very much. Big help👍

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    • Gail Starr Thanks to you also. The link works.

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  • I’d like to perform “September” from Fanny Hensel’s “das Jahr.”

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    • Thurmond R I’ve never heard of that. She was such a wonderful composer; I am truly looking forward to listening to it. 

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    • Sofia S.
    • Sofia_S
    • 3 days ago
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    I'm not yet sure what to play--ideally, it will be Chopin's Etude Op. 10 No. 9 in f minor, however I started it three weeks ago, and it is a Chopin Etude, so it might not be ready. I'll send in an update in a couple weeks, and if I cannot play the Etude, I will include my replacement piece in the reply.


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    • Michelle R
    • Michelle_Russell
    • 3 days ago
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    I’d like to play and will decide what piece closer to the date.

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  • Hi everyone, i'd like to play Brahms op.118 no 3 for this concert. Not very spooky but still a hint of autumn 🍁 it's about 4 mins long 😉 Derek

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      • Gail Starr
      • Retired MBA
      • Gail_Starr
      • yesterday
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      Derek McConville Cant wait to hear you, Derek!

    • Derek McConville that piece has so much drama and panache! One of my music teachers in high school played it really well and it significantly lifted his coolness factor in my eyes! 

    • Gail Starr thanks Gail! Hope you are keeping well!

    • Alexander Weymann thank you, it's certainly a work in progress but I'm tempted to learn most of op.118 as these later Brahms pieces are pure gold I think :)

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  • Can't wait to hear it Derek! Miss you, and miss piano camp!

    • Kakie Roberts Thanks so much Kakie! Likewise, I'm still glowing after the piano camp experience. The best time and such wonderful people! Hopefully I can get the Brahms in shape for this :)

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