SIGN UP: for Bach Polyphony Workshop with Magdalena Baczewska

Improve your listening and playing of polyphony - the art of weaving simultaneous independent musical lines.

By focusing on polyphony you will also achieve a new understanding of voicing and phrasing. While you’re at it, you will also gain a new appreciation for the beauty and sophistication of the music of J.S. Bach. Magdalena will help guide your discovery and answer questions along the way. 


BYOB - Bring your own Bach. This challenge does not rely on specific repertoire, so feel free to pick any Bach piece that best suits your current abilities. 


Choose your challenge. During the two weeks, you will be able to adjust the number of exercises you wish to submit.


Pianists of all levels are welcome. You may choose how much of the piece you would like to work on. It can be a phrase or a page. 

More Detailed instructions coming soon!

  • Sign-Up : Thursday, December 1st, 10 am PST
  • Course Period: December 5 - 19
  • Class Size: max. 4 Groups á 10 Participants

If there are too many sign-ups, participants will be chosen at random and notified by December 5th!



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