Week THREE: Share your love! (Watch Party is next week!)

Hello and welcome to the WEEK THREE Main Thread for this challenge! 馃ぉ


Alright everyone - this is the thread where we'll all be posting our daily updates.     

Make sure you've read the rules before replying (<- click)


Twice a week between February 6 - 13 I hope to be reading your daily updates in this very thread right here!     


Here is this week's assignment!


Because the WATCH PARTY is next week, February 14th at 11am PT let's do the following this week!


1. OVERALL GOAL: Record your piece!


2. OPTIONAL: say a few words about why you choose your piece, and what you love so much about it BEFORE or AFTER you play! (Before is nice, because then we can listen with a guided imagination through your words!) You can submit two videos (one of your words and one of the music) I will then put them together into ONE video.


3. OPTIONAL: Record your piece at least TWICE! Why? Because we want you to submit your favorite recording, and tell us why you choose the one that you did. Was it because of technical reasons? Musical ones? It is important to practice evaluating your work through words!

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  • I'm glad I was able to have some good practice sessions this week to get threw the nocturne for this challenge. So here is the Nocturne in D-flat major op 27 nr 2 by Chopin. 

    Playing Chopin is a bit like returning to my first love at the piano, so that is why I chose this piece.   

    Like 11
      • Juan Carlos Olite
      • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
      • Juan_Carlos
      • 1 yr ago
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      Sindre Skarelven Wow, love it, Sindre! You play with such melancholic and beautiful phrasing! Bravo!

      Like 1
    • Sindre Skarelven so glad you recovered to present us with this gorgeous gift, Sindre! Just beautiful!

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      • Hazel
      • Hazel
      • 1 yr ago
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      Sindre Skarelven Lovely serene performance.  I played this piece recently too and it鈥檚 really tricky to learn.  You make me want to practise it again. One of my favourite nocturnes.

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    • Juan Carlos Olite Andrea Buckland Hazel Thank you so much! This group is so inspiring! 

      • Michelle R
      • Michelle_Russell
      • 1 yr ago
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      Sindre Skarelven Wow, Sindre! This is fantastic. You captured so many different emotions.

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    • Sindre Skarelven love how you bring out the long beautiful haunting melody!

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    • Sindre Skarelven Love this. You bring out the beauty of this Nocturne. Played this a long time ago (but not like this of course!). Inspired like Hazel to relearn it.

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    • Sindre Skarelven very lovely! This is not easy to play and you nailed it - especially that filligree bit I still struggle with no matter how many years of practice!

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    • Michelle R Natalie Peh Vidhya Bashyam Ching Lee Goh Thank you so much for all your nice comments! :) 

    • Sindre Skarelven amazing performance!! So many emotions and so clearly expressed. Bravo.

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    • Sindre Skarelven Beautiful! Bravo!

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      • Alice Lin
      • Alice_Lin
      • 1 yr ago
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      Sindre my favorite nocturne played beautifully!

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    • Sindre Skarelven Sindre, you have a great command of Chopin and express the singing voice so well in this Nocturne! 

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      • Michael
      • Art Historian, Musculoskeletal Radiologist, Former Harpsichordist
      • MichaelP
      • 1 yr ago
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      Sindre Skarelven wonderful persuasive playing filled with nuance and emotion, but without being saccharine.

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    • Derek McConville Libby Craig Alice Lin Darrell Jenkins Michael Thank you so much for your kind comments! Looking forward to the next one!

    • Juan Carlos Olite
    • Philosophy teacher and piano lover
    • Juan_Carlos
    • 1 yr ago
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    Happy to participate in this community of piano lovers! Here is my final video.

    In this first movement Beethoven writes a poetic fantasy able to unit his most delicate emotions with his usual tragic nobility. Very glad to share it with all of you.

    Like 10
    • Juan Carlos Olite Bravo, bravo, Juan Carlos! You really transport the spirit of this beautiful sonata! Great playing!

    • Juan Carlos Olite Bravo, Juan Carlos! I love how you are forming the piece with different touches and nuances! So many colors coming together in this masterpiece.  

      • Hazel
      • Hazel
      • 1 yr ago
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      Juan Carlos Olite A very impressive performance! Congratulations.

      • Michelle R
      • Michelle_Russell
      • 1 yr ago
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      Juan Carlos Olite This is gorgeous, Juan Carlos! There is so much going on, but I can hear everything - incredible! I am somewhat in awe of your ability to play with so many colors. Bravo!

    • Juan Carlos Olite Bravo Juan Carlos!  Astounding to hear all of the beautiful colors in your playing!

    • Juan Carlos Olite Bravo! You bring us on such a beautiful journey with this piece! 

    • Juan Carlos Olite Agree with the many bravos above! More beautiful every time I hear it. Thanks for playing and sharing this!

    • Juan Carlos Olite Bravo! You're the man with the golden touch! Every note you play has a liquid shine. Now this is also on my list to learn. 

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