RCM Prep B Repetoire Piece: The Calico Cat

  • Laura K.
  • Beginner Adult Piano Player
  • bluebell_girl
  • updated 1 yr ago

I will be taking my Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM) Prep B-level exam on May 29, 2023, and The  Calico Cat (composed by Helen Marlais) is one of my three exam repertoire pieces.


My other two exam repertoire pieces are Boat of Tai Lake (a very pretty Chinese folk song arrangement by Emilie Lin) and Starfish at Night (a mysterious-sounding piece composed by Anne Crosby Gaudet).


I am using various practice techniques (such as some long, slow practices....some practice sessions where I mix in different tempos to help drill certain techniques into my playing....some practice sessions where I play each piece my memory....some practice sessions where I review the scores, to make sure my muscle memory hasn't added or subtracted things that are written in the music....etc.) this week to do final smoothing out of the pieces in preparation for next week's exam.

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