Week 1: Status check! (also pick your piece!)
Hello and welcome to the WEEK ONE Main Thread for this challenge!
Alright everyone - this is the thread where we'll all be posting our daily updates.
Make sure you've read the rules before replying (<- click)
Twice a week between January 23 - 30 I hope to be reading your daily updates in this very thread right here!
Here is this week's assignment!
1. Pick your piece!
2. If a new piece, post your sight-reading of it (never hurts to practice this valuable skill!) If it is an old piece, let's try and dust it off, and play through what we can, to evaluate its current condition. Let us know what your "piece status" is!
3. Optional: Tell us WHY you picked this piece that you love so much!
Here are some tiny videos of my Balakirev so far:
1 video after 30 minutes of sight-reading, 1 video of LH only since the LH jumps are challenging for me and 1 video after 2 more slow practice sessions. I am now working on the 2nd page, and as Juan Carlos says, it DOES get easier. I'm relying on my memory much more but still not ready to put the score away for page 1.
Greetings everyone. I’m rather late starting as I was building up courage to post! But you are all such lovely people and so positive and supportive it’s been really motivating just reading the chat this last week so here I am :-) It’s a pleasure to meet you!
i am learning Etude Tableau op33 no 4 in c min by Rachmaninoff.
i love Rachmaninoff and c min is my favourite key. I stumbled across this piece after I bought a new Russian edition of the Etude Tableaux.
Like so many of his pieces it is so rich in texture and harmony. I love discovering all the inner voices, the way he uses all the keyboard and the ebb and flow of the music.
The techno side was a bit of a steep learning curve for me, I’m using a Shure mic attached to my iPhone.i welcome feedback - I am finding the middle section very challenging to manage all the inner semiquavers whilst voicing to the super slow melody in the upper register and how to manage the arpeggiated ‘ripples’ preceding melody notes without slowing everything down so the melody disintegrates. However it’s been a joy to practise and immerse myself in his sound world. A work in progress…..